Princeton Trying To Be My Friend Again

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I was in my bed tossing and turning because I couldn't sleep I got annoyed so I got up and went to the living room and guess who was in there ugh..... PRINCETON god I hate him now

prince- hi chassidy

I didn't say anything because I have nothing to say to him so I just walked past him into the kitchen to get me something to eat. I made me a ham and cheese with mayo then I put some hot fries on it I know it sounds nasty but it isn't its really good then I got me a dill pickle (I have to have my pickles lol) then I went into the living room and sat at the table and started eating but Princeton kept bugging me

prince-chass, chass hey CHASSIDY

me-oh my fucking gosh what the HELL do you want don't you see that I am ignoring you cause I don't LIKE YOU I HATE YOU with a passion

prince-awe that hurts but why?

me-haha you're FUNNY you want to ask me why I hate you dude look what happened to me because of you. I can't even look in the mirror my face is scrapped up and its going to be scarred like that forever just cause of you, you want to let me go and I fall

prince- chassidy I'm sorry

I just shook my head and ignored what he said

me-and you know the worst part about it? I hurt my leg and I was yelling for you but you wasn't there crying I had to hop home on one leg because you wasn't there for me even after you promised me.

prince- chassidy I didn't know I'm sorry

me-what ever still crying just leave me alone

prince-no I can't

me- ugh why the fuck not?

prince-cause I feel bad and cause mumbles I love you

me-what was that last part

prince- sighs cause I love you

me-no you don't because if you did you would have been there to catch me when I fell like you promised

prince- (gets mad and starts yelling) I do love you and the reason I let go is because I thought you had it on your own. I thought you didn't need me anymore so I let you go. I believed in you and I thought that I should let you go cause you were doing ok so I went off to go use the bathroom but when I got back you was gone. I was scared until you texted me but for real chassidy I do love you

me- ok whatever

prince- why do you have to be so damn stubborn ?

me- I don't know

prince-well stop because I'm being honest with you at least I believed in you when nobody else did.

me- ok I guess you're right

prince- yeah I am so can we be friends again ?

me- smiles yes we can

prince-good come here Beastie bring it in give me some hugs

me-haha if you want hugs come get them

prince- ok no problem

then he comes over and attacks me with a bunch of hugs we fall onto the floor and I realize that I was on top of him (not like that) but he looks into my eyes

I smile

prince- I love you chassidy

then he leans in and kisses me but I liked it so I kissed him back his lips were soft and he was a good kisser and I also didn't feel like pulling away so I kept kissing him then he pulls back.

I smile at him again and he does the same

mindless behavior roc royal (faithful or is it) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now