Chapter Nineteen-Reunited and it feels so good

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They got up to his room that was complete with a kind size bed, a walk in closet and a bunch of dressers. They unpacked all her stuff and Kara turn to him, "I made you something." She reached into her curry on and got out the sear plastic bag they used in fancy jewelry shops and got it out. "I know it's cheesy and man don't wear bracelets, but I wanted you to have it."

Ben was touched that she put in the effort into making something like this for him. She handed it to him, and he put it on. "It's lovely. And I love you for making it for me. Thank you." He looked at her and pulled her in for a kiss. "Are you hungry?"

She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes, I'm starving. Haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Okay. Want to go out or stay in?"

"Let's stay in. Pretty tired from the flight."

"Ok, I'll order from Panda inn. Sound good to you?"


Ben got his phone from his pocket and ordered a few dishes, plus egg rolls, dumplings, spareribs and some wonton soup. When he was done ordering, he put his phone back in his pocket and put his arms around her again. "Want to watch a movie while we wait for the takeaway?"

She nodded her head and they went down to his living room. Frankie soon followed them and sat down next to them on the couch. Ben put on the Netflix and started the movie five feet apart and Kara snugged up to Ben, wrapping her arms around him, put her feet on the foot stole in front of her and rested her head on his shoulder.

As they watched the movie, Kara was starting to cry at the part where Stella is doing one of her social media videos with her sister and she's crying because she always knows the sister is dead, because her own sister is, and when she talks to Will about it, it's all too much for Kara, but she hangs in there. Ben looked down to her, "You ok?" He asked knowing that it was something other than just the movie.

"Yes, I'm ok. Lets just watch the movie."

Soon they get to the point where Stella finds out that instead of standing six feet apart from Will and other Cystic Fibrosis patients, that she can stand five feet away and how she was taking the foot back. She thought to herself how lucky she was to be able to be close to Ben like this finally and they could touch and do other things. Something she don't take for granted and never would. Especially now.

I Got My Mind Set On You - Ben Hardy (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum