I couldn't tell you where that came from, but it was the truth. All the sudden I wanted kids, I wanted them with her the second she mentioned it after the first night we slept together. I pictured her full on pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen and I've never wanted something so bad in my entire life.

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Now the car thing, we can get you a new one."

"That's not the problem, like I have the money. I don't know what I want yet, but I have the money. The problem is my bank is closed till Tuesday and I have to give the dealership a certified bank check for the car, because my ass is not making monthly payments on anything." She laughed and I couldn't help but smile. "But Cass needs her car because she has to work tomorrow and every day next week, and my brother is being a prick and not letting me take his car or his truck because he says he needs both the next few days for god knows what. I'm seriously looking into renting a car and that's just pathetic."

"Do you know where that little mom and pop shop is down the road from you, it's called Brogans?" I asked getting back into the car now that it was finished filling up and Deegan came out of the store. I started driving after hooking my phone to the mount, looking over I saw Deegan was on the phone with Cassie and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yea, didn't they shut down like six months ago?"

"Sort of but they're open again. Can Cass run you down there right now?"

"Uh probably but they're most likely closed."

"No, not yet, you should have about an hour." She got up and was walking.

"Hey, I was just coming to find you!"

"I heard, get in the car lets gooooo." Cassie laughed pulling her down the stairs.

"Apparently we are on our way there now." I smiled at her answer back to me.

"Go in and ask for Jordan, tell him Jensen sent you." She looked at me confused as she got into the car. "I'll explain later."

I couldn't help but laugh, the four of us were all in cars, all on video calls and it was like we were right there with them.

"Can I just drop her ass off and leave?"

"I hate you." She looked over at Cassie. "No, you can't just leave me there! I don't even know what I'm doing!"

"Oh, he didn't tell you yet?

"What?" Austyn looked back at the phone to me. "What am I even doing?"

"Getting something to drive." I said straight faced.

"Okay? Who's?"


"But don't you guys have your Jeep?"

"The Jeep isn't my only vehicle my dear." She looked at me confused. As she got out of the car.

"You have another car? And it's here? Dane I can't..."

"Ask for Jordan, Jensen sent you, tell him the North Edition." She looked at me confused again before walking into the shop and up to the counter.

"Hi I'm looking for..."

"Austyn McDaniel fancy seeing you here, damn girl you look amazing."

"Hi Brayden, I'm looking for Jordan? Is he here?"

"Why you in such a rush Aus don't you want to catch up a little maybe? Grab a coffee later or something?"

"B, who's, oh hi there, is he helping you?"

"No!" I yelled and could hear Austyn laugh before bringing the phone up. To face the guy who had asked. "Hey Jordan."

"Boss man! What's up? How have you been?"

"Great man, I'll stop in when I get back in town. Listen this beautiful lady standing before you is my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? You've got a man? What the hell, I knew it was too good to be true." The other kid said.

"Yea, she is very much taken, anyway can you send her off with the North Edition for me? She hit a little car snag so she's going to be driving that for a bit."

"Yea, of course not a problem, needs to be driven a bit anyway. We haven't seen you in over a month everything good?"

"Yea just on the road for work."

"Alright cool I'll go pull it around, see you soon!" I waved to him as Austyn pulled the phone back to face her.

"Tell that Brayden kid, if he even looks at you, he's fired." She laughed.

"He heard, now spill?" I watched as she walked out of the shop into the sun.

"I bought the shop before they went under, the old owners' kids run it now, Jordan being one of them, their mom passed from Cancer and they couldn't afford the shop with all of her medical bills piling up. So, instead of them losing it, I bought it they run it and yea. They've been awesome always storing my cars there for a few years and everything so it was the least that I could do. They are running better than ever now too. Busy as hell apparently." She stood there with her jaw partially dropped. "What?"

"You are like seriously the sweetest man on the planet." I just smiled. "Are you kidding me?! Dane this truck is gorgeous!"

"Just like you, you'll fit right in now." I watched her jump in the truck.

"There are 4,000 miles on it are you crazy!" I laughed

"Go have fun, call me when you get your phone all hooked up and are heading to San Antonio."

"I will thank you so much seriously you are amazing." She squealed.

"Have fun talk soon."

"Okay byeeee!" I hung up the call and couldn't help but laugh.

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now