We just weren't good together, my family hated her and hers hated me. We had been together since sophomore year of high school though, so it just seemed right, I guess. Young and dumb for sure. Definitely not love though. If love was anything, it was how I feel about Austyn. I didn't want to go a day without her. Just the thought of tomorrow morning and leaving her for several days had my stomach in knots, hence not eating any lunch today.

Last night though, damn it if last night didn't have me hooked. I needed more of her I wasn't going to be able to get enough and I knew that. Shit, I was okay with it, I could barely believe myself so there was no way that Deegan would. Instead I just kept quiet and went back to the task at hand.


Standing at her door I took in a deep breath. I was nervous, nervous to leave her. Nervous to kiss her again, nervous to just have my hands on her body. Why I was nervous I had no idea, but it was killing me. My hands were sweaty. I have been in extremely high stress situations where I had to pull a trigger at the perfect moment as to not hit any surrounding people, just the intended target, and never have my hands ever been sweaty.

I may seem confident on the outside when I was with her, but truth be told I was a wreck. My heart was constantly beating out of control, my insides constantly tight. My words fumbled in my head to the point where I have no idea how they managed to come out as a sentence. The best part? She likes me. I smiled to myself before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I could hear Cass yell from the other side. I swear these women and the door being unlocked, they were gonna give me a heart attack. I shook my head before walking through the door.

"Lock the doors!" Cass laughed at me before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"We can take care of ourselves mister." Letting go she rolled her eyes. "Where's Deegan?"

"He had to shower, and change said he'd be over in a bit, and lock the doors he would agree." She smiled

"Yay. Your lady is in the kitchen, which is why it smells so amazing." She was right it smelled amazing. I smiled at Cass and walked towards the kitchen.

This is a sight I could get used to. Austyn was dancing around the kitchen, obviously not knowing I was standing here watching. She was finishing up putting a few things on the stove. I just leaned against the doorway taking her in. Black leggings, god I loved those leggings, a nice purple flowy top, barefoot with her hair down. She was perfect. She did a little spin move after trying one of the dishes and spotted me, this made her jump and squeal.

"Oh my god, how long have you been there?" I laughed and closed the distance between us pulling her into my arms needing to feel her against me.

"Only a minute." She kissed me, smile not leaving either of our lips.

"Listen I'm decent at cooking and all but this dinner may suck." I laughed, she just stared at me as her smile slowly became wider.

"What?" I gave her a confused look not letting go of her.

"Nothing, that's my favorite laugh. Just making sure I put it in my memory."

"I'm not leaving forever, just a few days." Her grip around my neck became tighter as she settled her head against my chest. We stood like this, I rubbed her back as she rubbed mine, until the timer went off and the front door opened at the same time.

"Lock the doors woman!" Deegan walked into the kitchen. "Yo bro you may have to move over this shit smells incredible. We don't get home cooked and oh my damn my stomach. What is it? No wait never mind don't tell me."

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now