Chapter 28

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Aaliyah was weeping heavily in Jameels arms. All her past frustrations and everything that had happened since they were forced apart, was all coming out. She was shaking as she sobbed. Jameel held her tightly, whilst weeping too. He couldn't believe that after everything, his Aaliyah was in his arms. He vowed never to let anyone ever seperate them again. He would keep her close to him, not letting her out of his sight.

Aaliyah pulled back, and just looked at him. She put her hand on his cheek to make sure he was real and not imagining him. "It's me Aaliyah, it's really me." Aaliyah looked at him in shock. "How? Why?" "I thought you would have figured that out. I love you Aaliyah. No one else. I've come to take you back with me." Aaliyah shook her heard, "no Jameel. I can't go back there after everything. But Jameel, how did you figure out the truth?" "Aaliyah, I love you and I know you. There's no way what you wrote in that letter was you. I was convinced you'd been forced into it. My Aaliyah is not like that. She doesn't love me due to my money. She loves me for me." "But Jameel, I cant go back. Your dad." "I know what my dad did to you, and how he seperated us. I know he's against us and we have many enemies back home, due to our love, but as long as we are together and don't lose faith in each other, we can overcome anything."

Aaliyah didn't know what to say. The moment she had dreamed about for ages was here. Her Jameel had found her. He also didn't believe any of the lies anyone had told him,and had only listened to his heart. His heart refused to believe these lies about Aaliyah and he had found out the truth. "As much as I love you Jameel, I can't go with you. I love you, but your family are crazy. They were willing to hurt and even kill my family, just because we loved each other. I don't know what they'll do, if I went back with you. I love my family more then anyone. They have been with me through thick and thin. How can I knowingly put them in danger?" Jameel looked at her, "look me in the eyes, and tell me you'll be happier without me, and I'll go." Aaliyah looked at Jameel, not saying anything, but just ran away.

She ran into her room, and shut the door, sobbing. Aaliyah's family looked at Jameel. "Stay right here Jameel, I'll go talk to her" said Aaliyah's mum. Jameel took a seat. What was happening? Surely his dad couldn't win? Surely Jameel and Aaliyah couldn't be seperated again? Surely their love wasn't so weak, that it could be that easily broken.

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