Chapter 25

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Jameel was tired. He had looked for Aaliyah everywhere, and couldn't find her. He had gone to her work place, but was told she had resigned and left town. Jameel had travelled to different towns, in the hope of finding her, but nothing. He was frustrated. This couldn't be the end of their love story, could it? Fate had brought them back together for a reason, he believed. He believed God had brought Aaliyah back to him, surely God wouldn't be that cruel to take her away from him again? He vowed to find her, wherever she was. He just needed to keep looking. Life couldn't be that cruel to them again, could it? If this was their fate, he would fight against his fate and bring her back to him.

Jameel felt like giving up. He rang his mum, and confided how he was feeling. "Don't give up. She might be hard to find, but she does love you." "Really mum? Right now, I'm loosing faith, that I'll ever find her." "Jameel, listen to me. Have you got a picture of Aaliyah on hand?" "Mum, I have thousands." "Ok, take a deep breath and look at her. Like, really look at her. Are you really going to let her go?" "No, mum never. I felt weak for a second, but no. Aaliyah is Jameels, and Jameel is Aaliyah's. End of story." "That's my boy. Go get her." "I promise you mum, I won't come home, without my Aaliyah. We are a pair. We can't be separated, even though everyone has tried." "That's my strong Jameel. Your true love will conquer everything."

Jameel hung up, refreshed with new fire in him. His mums words had encouraged him further. He would find his Aaliyah, no matter where she was. Even if he had to go to the ends of the earth.

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