Chapter 21

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"No, your wrong Aaliyah. He's been just like you. Putting on a brave face for everyone, but dying inside, every moment of every day."

Aaliyah was stunned. She honestly thought Jameel was happy, in his life. She didn't know he was as miserable as her. She looked at Jameel and saw a broken man, who just needed his love back.

"Well Aaliyah, now that you know how Jameel feels about you, I think it's time he got to know the truth."

"No mum, don't."

"Why are you still protecting him after everything?"

"I'm not. I'm doing it for Jameel."


"Because he loves his dad a lot, and has this perfect image of him. I don't want him to hate him, due to me, and have that perfect image ruined."

Jameel looked at Aaliyah. "ok, fine. But look me in the eye and tell me you'll be happy without me." Aaliyah looked at him, but quickly looked away. She couldn't do it. Try as she might, she could never be happy without her Jameel. His love was everything for her. Due to what happened, his love was a big comfort blanket for Aaliyah, and kept her warm, during the nights without him.

Chammi came downstairs. "What's with all the noise and shouting? I can hear you all from upstairs. I'm getting married soon. We should all be preparing for that." Aaliyah's mum went up to Chammi and slapped her. Everyone was shocked. "I should of done this a lot sooner, after I found out you were the reason. The one who's fault this all is, is telling everyone to prepare for her wedding. What wedding? The wedding that you forced the groom into? The wedding where the groom loves someone else? You ruined a young couples life, due to your selfishness and ego. You will never be happy."

Aaliyah grabbed her mum. "Please, let's go." Aaliyahs mum wanted to tell everyone the truth, but Aaliyah forbade her. Aaliyah and her mum went to the door, Aaliyah turned around to look at Jameel and just shook her head. After Aaliyah had gone, Jameel went for his dad, but had to be restrained by his mum.

"Tell me what you did to my Aaliyah? How did you and Chammi ruin our lives? Tell me, I wanna know."

"Dad, I was your son. A piece of your heart. Why ruin my life? If you didn't like Aaliyah, you should of told me. I would of broken up with her. But I never expected this of you. Chammi is a stranger. Who knows what she's capable of?  But you? Your my dad. I thought I knew you better than anybody."

Jameel broke down in tears and wept in his mums arms.

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