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High of humor and apparently a stranger to my family I make my way out the door still singing.

"And imma drink the pain away and be back to my old ways 'coz I got two red pills to take the blues away" I sing as I jump into my car.

"Someone's in a good mood today ".

"How could you tell lex?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"When last did you wake up singing and the weeknd out of all things" Harry sticks his head between lexy and I from the backseat.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about" i roll my eyes at these nerds. Why can't they just bury their faces in books and leave me alone.

My pocket starts buzzing and of course its Estelle.

"Yeah what's up" .

"Tyler are you busy today , I'm bored here. I even regret staying now "

I roll my eyes at this woman" Estelle why don't you meet us at our house later and I'll throw us one of those barbeques we used to have when we were younger ".

"Yes that's perfect ".

I feel the excitement in her voice "oh bring carol also" I remind her about her  mom.

"Cool , what time should we come and what must I bring".

"Bring booze!!!".

I hang up and hear Harry's laugh. "Dude we have to get drunk together when last did we do that ".

"Children don't drink Harry " I put on my annoyed face but inside I'm actually enjoying this feeling of being at unity with everything. I wish Caitlyn was here but it's okay, this time I'm not thinking about her as much as I normally would.

"Look what the cat dragged in " I hear lynnea's voice. Her eyes seem brighter today or maybe it's the lighting hitting the orange hues making her eyes seem yellowish, but I know better they're actually blue. Her eyes remind me of that random stranger we met at Billy's.

We chat for a bit and discover that our schedules align every morning meaning we can walk to class in the same direction almost every day.

I'm still curious as to why she moved here but I bite my tongue. The last girl I showed so much interest in ran away from me quite literally. We pass the corner in the far left and I have a flash back of Caitlyn.  That's the corner I pushed her against when she told me to make her stop tickling me. Her eyes where closed as my hands found her neck and she had the softest glow it was mesmerizing. I remember the soft gasps that escaped her lips as I whispered in her ear "what stops me from eating you out right here ? Think about that " I remember the pinkness on her face as my words and breath mixed against her neck. She kept on looking around trying to see if anyone heard me. I just stood there staring at her. If I knew she was gonna leave me like this I would've taken any chance I possibly could have gotten to look at her more often.

I know that sounds weird but now that she isn't in front of me to look at I feel like my eyes didn't soak all of her enough. Again you probably think I'm living a cliched well I'm not.

"Tyler what's going on over there with your brother I think he is at least " I'm taken out of my dream world and I miss the fimilarity of Caitlyn's full lips and brown eyes.

I look at the commotion and realise Harry is getting his ass handed to him by one of the Carsons, again might I add. People surround them like flocks of birds fighting for food. I have to intervene.

I step in between the two of them and Tommy Carson's fist connects directly with my jaw. The force makes me stumble back a little. This fucker actually packs a punch. I get my balance after Tommy kicks Harry a few more times. I reach in my pocket grabbing ahold of my keys and holding them tight so that my knucles jot out a little. This is a trick my dad taught me. This helps your punch become harder and the force is enough to knock him out if I hit him on the temple right on the side of his head. When I  threw my punch, my intention was to hit the snob in the spot my dad spoke about but the fucker dodged it with speed. Of course he would though his brothers practically own the streets and his dad's a mini version of  El Capone, I just compare mr. Carson to El Capone because when mr. Carson went down it was on the charges of tax iviasion , but his one of the biggest dealers I know. In the same way El Capone went down like that. Harry tackled Tommy and I just got up after being knocked down again. When I got up Julian jumped in the fight clearly taking his friends side. Julian is childs play I've kicked his ass in third grade and I'll sure as hell do it now again. I dont know why Harry insists on fighting these boys, their father has enough power to hurt us or the people we love, but I think he has respect for our family. My dad used to build that man's lowriders. Julian threw a punch and I moved out the way and hit him straight in the side of his rib cage and when I fell down to the ground I hit him in the spine and watched him hold his back as I threw him into Tommy. Harry gets up with a bloody nose and I charge at Tommy this time knowing very well that Julian is in no shape to try fight again. I charge Tommy into a trophy case and Harry hits him with a fire extinguisher. This feels like a fight you would only ever see in a movie. I move around to the back of Tommy's body and kick him in the head. I pull his body of the floor and held him against the wall. He smiles at me and blood falls from his lips. "Where's your sweet sister ?" He spits on me. At the mention of lexy i lose my control. I  hold him against the broken glass and watch the blood trickle down his face. His screaming now as the glass shears the skin of his bone. He is going to need stitches after this. I don't hesitate , I don't even flinch. I pick him up and slam him onto the floor. His going to die if I don't stop.

"Tyler!" I hear an all to familiar voice. I stop and look around to see her. Where is she? " Harry where the fuck is cait I just heard her "I shout to him. His holding his hands out to me saying she isn't here.

I walk out the school. I'm not thinking right.

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