He's what?

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Hey, guys! With a bit of yo help, I think I might have a good chapter sooooo, let's go! By the way this might be a long chapter, idk.

*Tweeks p.o.v*

After I stretched a little, I walked downstairs to see my mother beaming and my father leaving for work. The door clicked and my mother ran over. "Tweek sweetie!!" She yelled. "Yeah mom?"

"I have news for you!!"

"What is it??"

"The police called, and said, that today you and I can go and visit Craig. If you would like, I mean."

I stared at her. "Is this a prank??" She laughed, "Not at all, if you want to, you need to get dressed and we can go." I ran upstairs, threw on some clothes and ran down. "Let's go!!!" She smiled. Lets go!!


*Craig's p.o.v*

I sat in my cell, tracing out th  lines for the thousands time. I sighed heavily, taking in the smell of toe nails and mold. I coughed and layed down. I heard one of the officers walk in front of my cell. "Tucker?" He asked his voice low, and rough. I sat up. "You have a visitor." A visitor? I NEVER get visitors, who would it be. He took me to the area where you could talk. They sat me down and I waited for this, "visitor". I sighed. I'm so tired. I can barely sleep here. I went to take a deep breath but my heart stopped. I saw blonde shaggy hair, and a dark green shirt, walking towards me. Tweek....the most beautiful, fragile being on the face of the Earth. He smiled, tears stinging his eyes. I had full blown tears rushing down my cheeks. I picked up the phone.

"Why are you here Tweek?"

"Why are YOU here Craig?" He said smiling. I chuckled. "I-I miss you so much. I'm so sorry." I apologised, my voice cracking and shaky. He smiled, tears stinging his cheeks. "I miss you to baby...." I smiled, tears rushing down my face, I know I should act tough, but I can't. I needed this. He smiled again, "When are you getting out?" I shrugged, "Whenever they decided I think." He nodded, "I hope that's soon..." I smiled at him. "Will you wait for me?" I asked. He nodded, "I would wait till the end of time for you." I smiled, it was cliche, but cute. I saw his mother wave at him and he nodded, "Craig, I gotta go..." I nodded, tears forming in my eyes again. "I love you baby...." I said, placing my hand on the glass. "I love you to...." He said, placing his hand on mine on the other side. Again, cliche but CUTE! He left and I was taken back to my cell to rot, knowing I'll never see my baby again...


*Tweeks p.o.v*

We walked over to a police man. "Um, yes hi. I was wondering if you know when Craig Tucker, is getting out?" My mother asked as he typed on his keyboard. He nodded  typed some more.
Tic tac, Tic tac. Tic tac

I felt like all I heard was the clock. Nothing but the clock. He stopped typing. "Tucker, Craig. Getting out this weekend, tomorrow." I stared, "T-Tomorrow?" The man nodded. "12:00." My heart stopped. Tomorrow....one more night alone, one more night of this PAIN. My mother thanked him and we left. I sat in the car and was quiet the whole time. We got home and ate lunch. I was to excited to do anything. My mom and I sat on the couch and watched movies until it was 2:00 am. I yawned and said goodnight as I walked upstairs. I fell onto my bed, and was out cold before you could say, supercalafraga-


*Craig's p.o.v*

I woke up to the office yelling. "Rise and shine fellas!!" I groaned, sitting . I heard one of the gaurds come to my cell, "Tucker?" "Yes sir?" I responded. "C'mon, you're time is done." I stared, realizing it wasn't a joke. I got up and followed him. He threw me my clothes an  I threw them on. He took me out. "Um, sir?" I asked as he left me outside. He stopped  turned, "Yes?"

"Hoe am I supposed to get home?" I asked. "You're ride is coming, they called yesterday saying they'd pick you up." I was confused but nodded. He went inside and I stood waiting. A car pulled up, but I couldn't see inside. It parked near me, and I saw the door open, and a beautiful angel stepped out. "T-Tweek...." I aid, feeling tears sting at my eyes. He smiled and ran over to me. I held him tightly and spun him around. "OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU S-SO MUCH!" I yelled tears now rolling down my cheeks. "I missed you to!" He said, his head buried in my neck. I set him down, staring down into his bright green eyes. He stared back up at me, before our lips locked. It was magical, it was something I'd missed for a year now. Our lips separated and I stared down at him again, his eyes puffy. "C'mon, let's get home." I nodded and we got in the car. I sat in the back and he sat with me. His mom started driving and he layed his head on my shoulder. I missed him so much...


*Tweeks p.o.v*

I woke up to my mom and Craig waking me up. Craig smiled at me and I smiled back. We got out of the car and walked inside. My smiled, "Boys, I have a suprise!" I stared at her confused. "Come here!" She said. We walked over and sat down on the counter. "Okay, so. Your father and I have agreed that we'll pay for EVERYTHING! Soo....YOU AND CRAIG ARE GETTING AN APPARTMENT!" I stared back at her before yelling, "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" She nodded. I hugged her tightly. "Now, the keys are right here, and lastly before I send you off to the world....look in the garage." I stared, "You didn't." She smirked, "I did!" We ran into the garage and saw an old 1967 Chevy Impala. (Any of my supernatural fans~ ;D) I hugged her tightly. She handed me the keys, the address, and the car keys before we went upstairs and packed. We got all our stuff, and then we were on our way. I got a call a couple minutes after. "By the way, your friends are living there to! Bye!" Friends? Who? I shrugged it off and we finally got there. We got out and went up to the apartment. We walked in and it was giant. "Hello?" I called out. "Yeah?" I heard a familiar voice. "Kyle??" I called. He peaked his head out of a room, "Sup Tweek Twea-" He stopped. "Craig?" I turned to him. Craig smiled, "Flesh and blood." I smiled. I'm so happy, we're here.

TweekxCraig (South Park Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن