Dad's SUCK

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Hey guys, I decided to update twice in one day. Aka, I have nothing to to!! :D So here we go~~!!
*Tweeks p.o.v*

I tried pulling away from Craig as fast as i could, but it was to late. My father had seen me locking lips with Craig Tucker..."GET INSIDE RIGHT NOW AND CRAIG LEAVE!!!!!!!" My dad screeched. I looked at Craig, then walked into the house. "My dad slamed the front door behind me. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THAT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My dad screamed at me, I realized now I have to tell him about Craig and I. "Dad, listen. And I mean ACTUALLY listen. Craig and I were best friends, but one day we realized that we care about each other more....please understand" He looked at me, then walked off, "I'm going to talk to your mother about this..." I ran to my room, tears falling my eyes. What if they don't accept me? What if they DISOWN me!? Oh God, this is to much pressure!!!! I grabbed my phone and texted Craig
"Craig, plz b there I need some 1, 2 talk 2 - <3"

I waited for him to answer, when FINALLY he did.

"Hey um can't talk now, parents yelling at me. Apparently your parents called them about us. Anyways, love you sorry"

I read his text. Oh God! His parents are yelling at him for it, God!!! I was about to burst into tears when my bedroom door opened. It was my parents. I wanted to curse at them but they spoke out first. "Tweek, your father and I have decided that we are going to accept your sexuality. I'm proud that you have found your way." My mother said to me. I looked at her and hugged her tightly. She let go of me, and my parents left the room.


*Craig's p.o.v.*

My parent's were yelling at me, and I wasn't paying attention. But, I started paying attention when I felt someone slap my face, HARD. I rubbed my cheek and realized it was my dad,"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW YOU FAG!!" He screamed, I ran to get my book bag, I posted it with clothes as they screamed, I ran our and just kept running. I didn't know where to go because I don't know if Tweeks parents are okay with me. I decided to run there though. I ran the whole way until I finally made it there. I knocked on the door of his house. His mom answered the door smiling. She called for Tweek and he came down. "Hey Craig, wha-" I interrupted him and hugged him tightly, and he hugged back. "Craig, what's wrong??" He asked me. "My parents....t-they made me leave the house..." I said to him, he instantly said, "Did you get Stripe?" I let go of him, and opened my book bag, Stripe had his head peeking out. "Good, okay, come in" He said and we booth walked in. He explained everything to his mom, and she said I could stay with them. Tweek and I walked upstairs into his room and sat on the bed, I had Stripe out on my lap. Two hours later his dad came in and told us we had to sleep for school tomorrow, and we both nodded. "What should I do with Stripe?" Tweek pointed to an old cage he had for his rabbit. I stood up, put Stripe in the cage and layed down next to him. We looked at each other and I kissed him softly "I'll see you in the morning angel" I said and rolled onto my side. I fell asleep after a little while and waited till morning.

Yay!! I did it!! Anyways, hope you liked it, comment some ideas, it REALLY helps! Vote and I'll see you next time!!

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