Bus drama

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Hey guys!! I got two people who sent in their OC's. One is CRY_TH3_MONST3R and the second one is lauraS217

*Craig's p.o.v*

I walked on the bus to see Tweek, getting beaten by...KENNY. Ugh, even his NAME disgusted me!! I screamed, "KENNY!!!!! THEY ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!" He turned and looked straight at me, I could see the fear in his eyes. I ran down the isle and threw a punch. Kenny threw one back until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back, I turned to see it was a girl. Really pale skin, and she had messy honey brown hair. She had these big black nerd glasses on, and skinny jeans and a black hoodie. She had a hat that looked like mine but it had....cat ears on it?? The last thing I noticed was her eyes. She had these gray/green/blue eyes. Then it hit me, the girl from my second period!! "Stop, stop!!!" She screams. I look at her then push her down. Someone caught her though, what???? I looked up to see Clare stopped her from falling. "Craig, what are you doing!?" Clare screeched at me and key the girl go to her seat. I liked at her then setting at Kenny, but she stopped my arm. I accidentally swung my arm and hit her right in the noise and she fell," OW GOD!!!!!!!!!" She screamed holding her nose. I covered my mouth as Kenny pushed past me and I fell into a seat. "C-Clare, I'm so so sorry!!!!!" I said to her. Kenny pushed me down, "Just back off Craig!!!!!" Clare stood up, tears in her eyes. She sat down, covering her face and Kenny held her.  I felt so bad...I didn't mean to.....


*Kenny's p.o.v*

I held Clare the whole way there until our bus stop. I helped her up, and shot a glare at Craig. We walked off the bus and I walked her home. She was still holding her nose. "Let me see..." I told her moving her hand, it was covered in blood. I pushed her inside and told her, "Call Laura, she'll help, I know it."'I then left leaving everything to her, I hope this works.....

*Clares p.o.v*

I called Laura, and waited. As soon as we were fine talking it took her five minutes to arrive. I opened the door for her, "Hey Laura..." I had changed up my nose a little bit blood still came out. She didn't say anything and just walked me inside. Laura was a nice girl, no one hated her, and she hated no one. She was really pale compared to her dark brown hair, but ah  had this ONE random light brown streak. An  her eyes were th  prettiest blue, they were this dark blue and it reminded me of the ocean at night. She wore a light pink shirt, with blue jeans. She sat me down in the bathroom and grief me clean my nose. "Thanks Laura..." I said to her. She smiled at me, "No problem Clary, really!" I smiled. I'm glad I have someone helping me with this.

*Tweeks p.o.v*

The whole bus ride I say there, with Craig baffled in front of me. When we finally got to put stop, I ran out and to the sidewalk. Craig slowly came out and smiled at me. "Hey Tweeke-" I stopped him. "Shhhh..." I said covering his mouth, "Jets just get back to my house." I said to him taking his hand. We walked back to my house and I saw my mom wasn't home, YES! We walked inside and I went straight to my room, Craig following. I say on my bed, and before I knew it, he was hovering me. I looked into his blue eyes, "C-Craig??" "Let's finish what we started this morning~~" He said. I can't believe this is happening, and I let it happen!!!

Yay!!! Oh, yeah!! Thank you CRY_TH3_MONST3R AND lauraS217 for letting me use your characters!! Remember, you can message me OR leave in the comments a character and I will find a way to put them in! Just remember enter them with~~

Skin colour
Eye Colour

See you in the next chapter!!

TweekxCraig (South Park Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ