Puppy puppy puppy

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*Tweeks p.o.v*

I looked down at our new puppy Creek (Yay! Creek won the puppies name because A LOT of people wanted that!). Me and Craig thought it was a good name because it's a combination of our names. Smart right? We've had her for about a month now and our wedding was only two weeks away. I was getting nervous because my parents are coming. Craig's sister is coming but his parents didn't want to show. We invited Token and Clyde who were coming as an adorable couple. We invited most of our friends and other relatives. I smiled as Creek as she wagged her tail and looked up at me. I scooped her up and held her close in my arms. Craig came in with a bag filed with Ramen. I set down Creek and shuffled over to Craig, my hair ruffling in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around Craig's back behind him and smiled.

"Hey Tweekers." He said and turned to me. I clung onto his waist again and layed my head on his chest. He hugged me tightly then released and looked down.

"I have Ramen." He said with a smile. I looked up at his blue eyes, "The three words everybody wants to hear in their life." He smiled and sat on the seat near him. I sat on the counter in front of him, and tried to look attractive, but failing to succeed as I turned the sink on. In which it proceeded to spray sink water on my back. I screeched and jumped onto Craig getting him soaked while the faucet hose was still spraying us. He reached over and turned it off and I looked at him sheepishly. He sighed and kissed my forhead. "Love you~~" I said softly laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, laying his chin on my head. "Love you too..."

HI, I MISSED YOU!! Sorry it's short, should I do the next chapter on the wedding?? Should Craig's parent's show up??

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