Painting (Tokito X feMC)

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It has been 5 years since Ciel have been married to Tokito. Since then he never battled again because of the severity of his wounds during the final fight with the upper moon one. He barely survived that time and since then he never had the capability to hold the blade again.

Ciel and him struggled during this period but thank the heavens both managed to come though it.

Ciel is a female demon slayer as well but that was all in the past. Since Muzan is already defeated she felt already the relief that demons are now under more control now and will soon be instinct. Ever since her marriage with Tokito she too just tended to him everyday and spent their lives peacefully.

It was a sunny day and Tokito woke up late as usual. He rubbed his eyes lazily and stared outside as the sun is rising. The beauty of the landscape never seemed to waver as the years go by. He never grew tired of seeing it every day.

Tokito heard bleak footsteps at the nearby room sensing Ciel's presence. He jumped from his futon without even fixing it and just went to the next room

He opened the door as his eyes widened upon seeing a much more beautiful view.
Ciel is wearing her yukata haphazardly making her breasts and thighs showing while the floor is covered with different colors.

She is too concentrated on her work as she moved her fingers elegantly on the canvas filling it with bright colors. Tokito just gazed at her image not making any sound as he stayed leaning on the door.

Paint covered some parts of her white yukata and her bare whitish skin but she continued her work, concentrating and captivating. Her hair is kept up haphazardly as well leaving strands of hair falling at her curves and some are tied upward. Her black hair matches perfectly at her white skin as if she is a painting as well. As she is going to take and place a new combination of colors in the canvas Tokito interrupted her by embracing her from behind.

He placed his hands on her breasts claiming it as his. Ciel jolted at suprise realizing his presence. She turned her gaze to meet his mint colored eyes admiring its color.

"Good morning dear" she made a short peck at his cheeks while her hands still covered in paint. Tokito pinched her nipples making her moan a bit not minding the paint tranferring on him.

"I will never ever get used to seeing your beauty everyday my love." As he landed a kiss on the skin near her neck as she felt his breath on hers.

"Tokito...I am painting now...I will be finis-"as he now covered his lips on hers making her now gagged with his kiss. He latched her tongue not willing to let go then parted staring at her playfully.

"But you are my breakfast..or rather my personal everyday breakfast" he grinned as he is now tracing his hands on her thighs.
Ciel tried to pull away from him not minding the warmth of his hands tho on her bare skin.

She poked his cheeks with her finger covered in blue paint. "Dear! I am almost done so stay put!" As she made a small pout making him stare at her pinkish lips. He rested his chin on her shoulders in defeat while still continuing on caressing her bare thighs. He made a deep obvious sigh making Ciel now feeling bad not giving him attention.

She placed her hands on a transparent glass bowl washing her hands from the paint then turned to caress Tokito's cheeks. She placed her forehead to his as he lazily gazed at her.

Tokito suddenly pushed her down to the floor making her yukata soaked in many paint colors as some of the the paint fell as well. He buried his face on her chest like a child as she giggled playing at his hair.

"Ciel thank you for being with me" as he seemed to ponder the times that she kept her away before. He grasped her hands while using his thumb to circle the back of her hand.

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