Six Minutes Too Long

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Meanwhile, Nitori walked to the car. She casually looked around and spun the keys around her finger.  The wind began to whip lightly enough to make her canary yellow dress flutter and the heavy waves in her hair oscillate.  She objectively scanned the parking lot until she spotted the red Mercedes Benz SUV.  As she approached the back of the car, she looked down at the remote and pushed the unlock button.  The alarm chirped twice and the taillights blinked. Nitori advanced forward to open the door, when suddenly her attention was diverted by the loud screech of tires.  Soon as she turned around to see what was going on, she felt the force of a stout body against hers, crushing force from arms subduing her, and a hand over her mouth. Suddenly everything went black, a hood was placed over her head, and she was thrown into a large vehicle. The door violently slammed shut, the tires squealed, and Nitori was gone. 

Back in the store Megan was alarmed by the sound of whining tires outside. She gasped and looked down at her watch. “Glen, how long has Tori been gone?!”  He looked at the time on his cell phone and said, “Umm, five, maybe six minutes.”  Megan quickly gathered all of her new buys and hurried towards the door, “It shouldn’t take that long! We have to make sure she didn’t wander off!”  Glen shook his head and followed behind her, “You’re exaggerating, you know everywhere she goes, and she walks like she’s taking an endless stroll in the park.”  Megan trotted briskly; her feet struck the asphalt rapidly as she looked for the car.  “I don’t quite remember where we parked; she has my keys, hit the panic button on your remote.”  Glen sighed and reached into his back pocket and pulled out his key chain. He pushed the button and a loud blaring sound began to echo from the back side of the parking lot to the left.

Megan picked up her pace as she basically ran to the car. About four feet from the car she stopped dead in her tracks. Everything in her arms plummeted to the ground. Her breath immobilized as she caught sight of the car. Near the tires she spotted her car keys, and closely behind was the yellow daisy she’d put in Nitori’s hair earlier.  Glen hurried to Megan’s side when he saw her reaction.  Megan rushed to the Benz and snatched the door open. Inside, there was no Nitori. Glen peered through all of the windows on the vehicle and took off through the parking lot searching for his daughter. Both parents began to scream her name, and there was no sign of her. Megan hysterically grabbed Glen while crying manically, “My baby’s gone, oh my God, my baby! Glen, Glen-oh my, we have to find her! We have to find Nitori!”  Glen held her tightly and tears were streaming down his face, “Okay, okay, let’s call the cops!” And that’s when their nightmare began.

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