"Because you don't believe in truth." Lynn spat out.

A voice screeched from the headset on the floor. A voice they both heard. "Hey, lover!"

Lynn's mouth dropped. "Sammy!" She squeaked. She grabbed the microphone. "You and your big mouth! He is not a secret lover!"

Reece was not expecting that. So was finally having some success? He laughed. "I mean, they might not be wrong."

Lynn was ready to die of embarrassment and she sent Reece a glare. "Not helping!" She hissed.

"Wait, is that sexy Reece?!" Eva asked with a shocked gasp.

Reece coughed. "Did you give me such a loving name, Adalynn?" He asked with a smirk.

Lynn shut the game off and faced him. "That's what they call you, not me. And I gave you a name, Toad."

"I have to be honest, I much prefer their name for me."

Lynn grabbed one of her pillows and smacked him with it. "Shut up! Ugh, why did you have to interrupt my game? Now the girls won't leave me alone for the next week."

Reece offered a winning smile. "So, they think I'm a secret lover? Why not make that a reality?"

Lynn stared at him in shock. Why was he suddenly a flirt? He wasn't like this before, right?

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you." Lynn shoved him. "Get out of my room, Toad. You're bothering me."

Reece didn't even budge. "Sorry, Princess. You'll just have to get used to me. Who knows how long I'll be here, anyway?" He laid back on her bed. "So, video games, huh? Adalynn Caine loves video games."

"Uh, I totally don't. I don't even have video games, what are you talking about?" Lynn said loudly as she peeked out her door. No one was within ear shot. She sighed and closed the door.

Reece sat up, looking at Lynn in concern. "No one knows you have that?"

Lynn nodded, looking at him carefully. "You won't... say anything, right?"

He sighed. What was wrong with her liking simple video games? "My lips are sealed. What are you allowed to like?"

Lynn never considered that question. "I like reading, so that's something I don't have to hide. Reading is good... classy, I guess. Um... I... I don't know what else, actually." Ever since her mother died she was always told to not do certain things. She quickly learned to hide things.

Reece didn't like that one bit. Everything about how her father was with her was screaming 'make her a pretty robot'. That was all kinds of wrong. "Well, you don't need to hide from me, Princess. I couldn't care less if you're a normal human."

Lynn smiled softly. "Okay, cool." She sank into the bed next to him. "So, it's you and your grandfather, right? That's moving in?"

Reece nodded. "Well, that and add my uncles. They live in New York but they are staying with us for a year, so that's why they're here too."

"Oh, gotcha." Lynn didn't like Mr. Graves. At all. And the last time he was here he managed to make her own father talk down about her. She cried last he was here.

"I'm sorry, Lynn. I know that when your father gets with my family they're... Well to put it simply, they're assholes."

Lynn laughed a little. "Yeah, you're right, I guess."

"Well how about we don't talk about those jerks for a while? We have a perfectly good game in front of us." Reece bumped her shoulder lightly. "What do you say?"

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