"Open the door, Castiel! Now!" Sam screams from the other side of the door, his fist pounding on the metal.

"Sam! Help me!" I scream.

Castiel presses a finger to my forehead. "Sleep, and you won't awake until your blood is cleansed," he says. My eyes grow heavy, Sam's voice becoming fainter as my eyes close. Let the nightmare begin.

"Hello again. It's been quite a while." I open my eyes, I'm still strapped to the bed, and a tall figure stands in the corner of the room. I try to sit up, but the straps on my hands keep me back.

"Who are you?" I ask.

The tall figure walks forward, and Sam appears. His eyes are cold and his expression is blank. "Remember me?" he replies with a smirk.

"Remember you?" I say, then I laugh, "How could I forget?"

Sam chuckles, "This form...ah, it's been...I don't know. Months, since I've looked like this."

"Azazel. It's been a while," I say.

"Olivia. I'm glad to see you've come to terms with who you are," he replies. He walks towards my bed and reaches for the straps on my hands. The restraints on my hands come off and I sit up, rubbing my wrists.

"I can say that it was nice to actually get sleep for once," I say with a smile. I throw my legs over the side and stand. "What do you have to tell me now?"

He shrugs, "Does there have to be something to tell you?"

"I just figured since you're here...maybe you had something to tell me."

He laughs, "No. I am allowed to visit you every now and then. But since I'm still here, I feel as if I must remind you," he pauses as if for dramatic effect, "You'll find yourself crawling back to Castiel but you'll find that it'll be too late."

I roll my eyes, "That stupid prophecy? The old Olivia would've been scared to death, that doesn't even phase me now."

Azazel laughs and it sounds like Sam, "My, how you have changed."

I smirk at him, "So I've been told." Then the lights in the room go out, I stand in complete darkness. A fear builds in the pit of my stomach, and I don't know why. I haven't been scared since before converting to demon blood, could my body be cleansing already?

"Hello?" I call out. I walk forward blindly through the darkness, not able to see where I'm going or whether I might run into something. Then I fall to the floor, growing weaker with each second. Then there's nothing but darkness.

For a moment I think that I'm dead, but then I hear the sound of a door opening. I open my eyes and find myself in the isolation chamber again. Sam stands over my bed and I widen my eyes in fear, tears threatening to spill over. "Hey," Sam whispers to me, he turns and motions for Dad and Dean to step back, "Hey, it's okay."

I don't know what I'm feeling. It's as if all of my emotions have been bottled up until now, and they've all come back at once in a huge explosion turning me into an emotional wreck. Sam takes the restraints off of my wrists and I cling to him. I shake uncontrollably as I start to cry in his arms.

"I've never been so scared," I say, "I thought he was going to kill me, Sam."

Sam wraps an arm around my back, his arm holding me up. "I wouldn't let that happen," he whispers in my ear, a tear drops to the floor. I can feel myself slipping from consciousness again, the hysteria of everything that just occurred is coming to full effect. I start to fall into Sam and he sits there with me, holding me up.

"Hey, Olivia!" he says to me with fear in his voice. My eyes grow heavy and it grows hard to keep them open as he holds my face in his hands.

"So...tired," I moan.

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