Chapter 3

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In honor of the 4th of July, I decided I'm gonna be nice and post another chapter early. Enjoy! :)

"I can't do this anymore," I say quietly.

"Can't do what?" Castiel asks.

"Live," I reply. He just holds me there in his arms, then I hear footsteps coming upstairs. "You should go," I tell him.

He kisses my cheek then disappears just as my dad walks in the door. "Was I interrupting something?" dad asks.

I shake my head, "Nothing was going on, I promise."

He walks toward me and gives me a hug. "I missed you," he says.

"I missed you too, dad," I reply.

He smiles at me, "How about you come downstairs and we'll have a beer."

"Sure, as long as it'll be just us. I don't know if I can take anymore visitors," then I give him a weak smile. I follow him downstairs and take a seat in front of the television while he gets a couple beers out of the refrigerator. He comes back to the couch and hands me my beer. For the rest of the night we just sit there and watch old movies on television, we also go through a whole pack of beer.

The next morning, I wake up next to my dad on the couch. The television is still on and there are at least a dozen empty beer bottles on the floor. I also notice that I have a blanket draped over me. While dad is still asleep, I get up from the couch and start to clean up then head upstairs to take a shower.

I come back downstairs a little bit later to see my dad at the table eating some eggs, and there's another plate of eggs set at the table for me. "I figured you would want something to eat," dad says.

"Um, yeah, sure," I reply hesitantly. My dad cares for me and all, but he's never actually taken the time to cook me up a hot breakfast, it was always cereal or something that was from a box in the freezer. I take a seat at the table and stare at my plate of food. "Dad, what's going on?" I ask.

He looks at me with confusion, "What do you mean? Am I not allowed to cook my daughter some breakfast?"

I sigh, "It's just... You never do this unless something is really wrong."

"Okay, name one time that I did this when something was wrong."

I sit there and think, a whole list of things comes to my mind, "Let's see, I was thirteen. You promised me that you would teach me how to shoot, and the morning that you were supposed to teach me, you cooked me this same exact thing and told me that you were going to send me to Rufus while you went and did something with Sam and Dean. When I was fourteen, for my birthday you promised that you would take an entire day off, something that you hadn't done in a while, and you would do whatever I wanted. I was hoping you would actually stick to that promise, but when my grandparents dropped me off, there was no one at home. You didn't even call to say that you wouldn't be in town by then. So, I spent that entire weekend by myself. Need I keep going?"

"Alright, so yeah, I kinda do this."

"No, not kinda. You do," I push my plate away from me, sit back, and cross my arms waiting for his newest excuse. "What's going on?"

He takes a deep breath and exhales sharply, This should be good, I think to myself. "I was able to talk to Castiel."

"Okay, and why would you need to talk to Castiel?"

"I was asking him about..." he trails off.

"About...?" I say trying to get him to finish his sentence.

"I was asking him about you."

"Why? You didn't think to ask me about myself?"

"I only asked him because I knew you wouldn't tell me the truth!" he shouts.

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