Chapter 2 No matter what it takes I'll find you

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🍍🍍🍍Hey there, sorry for such a late update!🍍🍍🍍

Third person p.o.v

Chat Noir woke up in a dark room. He groaned in pain, his head pounding. When his vision cleared he noticed something. Both of his wrist were bound, chaining him to the wall by them. He was suspended a few inches from the floor. He looked around the room, it looked to be made of stone, no windows, except for a metal door across the room. The room around him was pitch black but his night vision gave him an advantage of sight.

CN- "I could use cataclysm to escape but I would detransform and something tells me that door is locked." "I would be trapped either way."

He spoke quietly to himself.

CN- "Oouh.... What would Ladybug do?.."

He thought.

🍍🍍🍍🍍With ladybug🍍🍍🍍🍍

Ladybug rushed through the broken city, she had pin-pointed Chat's baton's location; hoping he had it with him.

Her yoyo beeped as a green cat paw blinked on the screen.

She whispered to herself.

LB- "How could he have gotten that far that fast?"

She continued to run, jump, and swing across the desolate city as fast as she could. Ladybug had no idea where the Akuma would be. She wouldn't run into it's path.

Chat's p.o.v

Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days. My wrist burned, my arms stung from the lack of blood flow reaching them. I had stopped struggling a while ago, there was no use in it. There was no way I was going to escape without help. I felt really dizzy, being suspended by the wall. It gets really uncomfortable when it feels like gravity is going to rip your arms off by your shoulder sockets. Everything was numb but at the same time my pain levels were at their highest.

CN- "I really hope someone will find me soon.

Chat noir's conciousness slowly slipped away into darkness.

Third person p.o.v

She had arrived at the spot where Chat Noir was.

A fallen building...

LB- "Please, please, be okay, and not crushed under a building."

She tried to rub those thoughts off as a joke, but she couldn't stand the thought of losing him. Her partner.

Ladybug's p.o.v

I ripped through the rubble, hoping not the find him, but an entrance to something. I sifted through piles of broken concrete.

LB- "There!" I yelled to myself a wide grin spreading across my face.

I had come across a hatch, I quickly opened it and hopped in.

Third person p.o.v

Ladybug walked consciously through a dark hallway, dragging her hand against the cold stone wall. A low beep coming from her yoyo.

LB- "Come on, come on, where are you?"

Ladybug's pace quickened, she was beginning to become desperate.

LB- "Chat!" She screamed hoping to get some kind of response from him, any response from him...

She continued to run down the stone hallway until she reached a single door at the end of it. She looked around noticing a sign above the door that read 'Cells'.

LB- "This has to be it!" She thought.

She opened the large metal door slowly, she needed to be cautious just incase someone was waiting on the other side. She poked her head in, to see nothing but a long wall of old rusted cell door.

She didn't know if she was walking into a trap or not. All she wanted was to save him for all the times he has risked his life for her's. They were a team, Paris had two main heroes. They wouldn't want to leave one behind, and neither did she.

She walked down the cold empty hallway looking into each cell, carefully looking for Chat.

□?#¿- "Oh? Think you're smart don't you?"

LB- "Show yourself coward!" She yelled.

Ladybug glanced all around her, trying to pin-point the Akuma's location.

□?#¿- "Why have you come here?" The voice asked.

Ladybug stood silent, giving a stern look to the room around her.

□?#¿- "Why have you come here?" The voice asked again, not as calmly before.

LB- "I'm here to get my partner back!" She replied, her stern expression remained unchanging.

□?#¿- "The cat?" It questioned.

LB- " Yes, the Cat." Her voice rising angrily.

□?#¿- "Oh." It sounded disappointed.

□?#¿- "Him." "Well he's here if you're wondering."

She could hear the smile behind its voice.

□?#¿- "Why do you want him so much? He's nothing but a useless pest." Popping the 'P' in pest.

Ladybug's anger soured, Chat Noir was by no means useless.

□?#¿- "Ouu, did I make the little bug angry?" It laughed.

It was quiet, all she could hear was her heavy breathing. Her stance set ready to fight. The Akuma appeared in front of her, she striked emidietly wrapping her yoyo around it

LB- "Where's your Akuma?!" She demanded voice filled with anger.

□?#¿- "The sash, ugh this was boring anyways. Your pet is in the last cell on the left."

Ladybug ripped the sash, purifying the Akuma once it revealed itself. Instead of the villain turning into an innocent victim on Hawkmoth like normal, the person once in front of her just.. Disappeared. Leaving a small key in it's place. She picked it up examining it, twirling it within her fingers.


Hey hey hey! New update, I'm staying frequent with all my books now! I should update this one once or twice a week now.

I'll Find YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin