Chapter 19

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i know you've been waiting for this for a while so here it goes!!! sorry for the long break between the last upload, but you know how life is....


Thankfully, the gun clicked empty.

The vagrant figured he might get into trouble or something, because he hurled the gun out into the water, and then dashed away quickly.

I had never been so relieved in my life.

“Well that was strange,” Justin commented. I nodded. He came back to me and wrapped a hand around my waist, but the moment was gone.

“We should go,” I said. The sun was done setting, and the last rays of light were streaking the air. It was getting cold, and I regretted not putting on the satellite dish- um, I mean, hat. He sighed.

“Yeah.” Silently, we walked back to the car, after depositing our borrowed water clothes back at the front desk. I didn’t see the point of wearing it, for our clothes were soaked underneath them. Although . . . . .  Justin was wearing a white shirt, and I just barely managed to keep my mouth closed. I could see what was so appealing when someone was wearing wet white clothes. They stuck to his body, not just revealing, but also complimenting everything that was underneath . . . .

“Keep staring at me and I’ll think you want something,” Justin warned, looking away. I was brought back to reality with a loud snap that seemed to reverberate around the vehicle . . .wait, when did we get back in the car? I shook myself, mentally saying I had to pay more attention to what was going on around me, and, more importantly, where I was going.

“Will you now?” I asked, smiling suggestively. He took a moment to look at my expression, then chuckled. But I detected a hint of strain in the laugh.

“Seriously Nie.” He wasn’t looking at me now. I smiled wider, knowing I was making him uncomfortable. I pictured what might be going on in his mind, and a shiver ran up my spine. He didn’t see that either, and I was glad for that. But I wasn’t going down without a fight. We had a long drive back to the airport, and we were separated from the driver by a thick piece of glass.

“Okay,” I said, leaning on the door, bringing both my legs up on the seat and crossing them. “Whatever you say.” He glanced at me, to see why I was going along so easily. I saw his gaze run appreciatively over my shorts covered (and therefore barely covered) legs before he saw me watching, and looked away.

I smiled, leaned my head against the window, and started singing.

In German.

German is a rather rough language. I prefer French much, much more. But German had this rather appealing quality, especially when singing. The song was rather slow, and required a lot of feeling. I closed my eyes and let myself get into it. I knew he was watching me, but I didn’t even open my eyes. Since he had no clue what I was singing about, my movements would make him think it was something completely different to what it truly was, which was a love story between two deer in the forest.

If you’re wondering how I knew it, it was one of mom’s favorite lullabies. And no, she didn’t sing it in German for us. She sang it in Italian.

From that I changed to a short, lively French folk tune. I put my legs back on the ground, and swayed slightly to the music. I knew what I was doing to him, not knowing what I was saying.

And then I shifted to Spanish, Mexican dialect. Now this was a love song. I was dancing (as much as possible on a car seat) as what Mer would call ‘Shakira style’. I don’t think I have to explain that.

Gotta Be You (Justin Bieber Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن