Chapter 14

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I don’t know which one of us was more shocked, me, Justin, or Amanda herself. Justin tentatively pushed her away and stepped back, analyzing her like she was a crazy person. Amanda, meanwhile, blushed furiously, and hid her face in her hands.

Justin quickly signed the autograph, looking stiff and awkward. Observing him, I noticed he was left handed. Well, I suppose I have to learn one new thing every day, right? Just then dad lumbered into the room.

“What happened?” I could hear his heavy breathing from where I was. Then he saw everyone who was in the room, and pieced together everything.  “Oh,” he breathed. “Amanda, don’t do that. You’re going to give me an early heart attack.”

“Sorry daddy,” she replied. Dad sighed, ran a hand through her hair, then left. I figured that everyone downstairs had already pieced together who had screamed and why. Ari would still be snoring away- I mean that figuratively. Ari doesn’t snore.

Once Justin had signed Amanda’s autograph book, I let him go downstairs, while I slipped into my room to change. I bounced back downstairs a minute later, dressed in matching blue and white pyjamas. It seemed that everyone’s thoughts had been dissuaded by the fact that Justin and I had come downstairs at different times. Titanic’s opening credits were rolling. I plopped down next to Justin. Little did I know that I would be asleep in fifteen minutes.

I jerked awake to the sunrise streaming through the window. Groaning slightly to myself, I made my way to the kitchen Justin was already there, sipping from a cup.

“Coffee?” he offered.

“Please,” I replied. He bustled about the coffee maker.

“So,” he began when we both had cups in our hands. Leaning on the sink and staring out of the window. “It’s Wednesday.”

“It’s Thursday, Justin,” I corrected him.

“Oh yeah. That. Anyway, so I’m going on tour for a month and a half.”

“Okay.” I tried to see where he could be going with this.

“And it starts with a big kickoff concert right here in New York. It’s on Saturday Now I know it’s a bit much to ask you to come on tour with me, so I’m asking. . . . . . . could you at least just come to the concert?” My face fell as I thought about it.

“Justin . . . . . I would love to . . . .” I started.

“There’s a but coming along, isn’t there?” he asked, interpreting my tone correctly.

“Yeah. But I have to be in Japan on Saturday.” I told him the details. “I’m really sorry,” I added at the end.

“No, it’s cool. If you gotta go, you gotta go. I’m . . . okay with it.” He didn’t look it. For a single, split second, I wasn’t in control of myself any longer. And I hugged him. He was surprised, but he hugged me back, even tighter. He had a nice ‘I- just- woke- up- but- you’d- probably- never- guess- it’ smell. Someone cleared their throat. We broke apart to see a positively furious- but controlling it well- Kameron.

“Good morning to the two of you,” he said curtly.

“Hey, I didn’t invite you here, so don’t come into my house and give me no sass,” I said, surprising both boys, and, mostly, myself.

“Anna?” Justin was looking at me like I was losing it. Which, I probably was. I knew he was surprised- he hadn’t used his nickname for me.

“It’s true,” I shrugged. Kameron just blinked.

The rest of the sleepover was nothing to write home about- seriously. Justin and Kameron got in a fight about who was going to cook breakfast, so they both did what they wanted, so we had piles (literally) of leftovers. Thank goodness Amanda was such a fervent admirer of Justin, so she ate all of his food without any prompting, and with a completely dreamy look on her face. I had a feeling she didn’t really know what she was eating.

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