Chapter 21

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okay people, sorry i havent been on here in so long, but i've been busy, you know, doing stuff. anywho, this chapter is really short, just a kind of filler chapter, cause yall have been waiting so long since the last update. i daresay you liked the end of the last chapter? well, i hope you like this one too, and a proper chapter shouldnt be too long in following. . .



I cried into my pillow. It was the day after my life (figuratively) ended, and I had just had a long lecture from my dad, who was extremely furious. He had warned Ari and Manda to stay away from me, and had left, slamming the door.

I felt a hundred times worse than I had when I’d envisioned this.  I felt like a terrible person, a used out, abandoned, terrible person.

And to make it worse I had paparazzi literally surrounding my house, hounding my family whenever we went outside.

And the worst part of it? Justin hadn’t said anything about his statement. Not that I honestly expected him to. I mean, he’d gone up there, and lied about me to try and keep his reputation from being tarnished. He’d never truly cared. He was just one of those people who just do whatever they can to make you trust them, and then drop you and leave your broken shards all over the floor.

My door slowly creaked open. I sniffed, looking up tentatively, expecting my dad again. It was Ari. Her blue eyes wide and sad, mirroring, undoubtedly, mine, she shut the door behind her, then came and sat down next to me.

“Manda and I still love you,” she said, before wrapping her arms around me.

I had finally been coerced by Ari and the promise of chocolate to emerge from my room. My little sister had told me to sit in the living room and watch tv, if it took my mind off of things enough. so, of course, I complied. My mind was too numb to really figure out what I should have done by myself, anyways. Thinking it would be safe, I turned to tv to the first news channel I crossed- CNN.

But, of course, I was just so lucky.

Justin was doing an interview about what the entire world was talking about as ‘the incident’. Of course, the only people who knew the whole story were my dad, Amanda, and, though it broke my heart, Arielle.

“So, Justin, do you know your hookup from that afternoon? Do you remember her at all?” a reporter asked, thrusting a mike under his mouth. His hands were playing with the zip on his jacket, a sign of nervousness- the only one he allowed himself to show in public. It nearly reduced me to tears again, to realize that I still knew him so well. Ari was watching me, concerned.

“No, I don’t,” he said, “Like I’ve already said. She’s just a-”

“You call my daughter a random whore again and I swear I’ll beat the shit out of you Bieber,” came a new voice, and the camera swung wildly to reveal my father, Nathan Greyson, striding toward the scene. He looked livid. Justin- the camera swung back to look at him- looked wild.

“Um, I’m not sure if we’ve met. Do you know An-” He cut himself off, not saying my name. a slight hint of warmth filled me. at the very least, he wasn’t disclosing my identity.

“You were about to say a name Justin is that possibly the name of this ‘random whore’ you have been talking about?” asked the reporter.

“What?” asked Justin, clearly ill at ease with my tall, physically imposing father towering over him.

“I said-”

“He heard what you said,” said my father, in a flat, quite voice, which was quite effective, considering the lack of emotion. “And it’s absolutely none of your damn business. Now pick your scrawny ass up and get this camera out of my face.” He paused for a moment. “Or I will, sure as hell, buy over CNN and run it into the ground.”

Gotta Be You (Justin Bieber Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ