Chapter 15

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“How was it, Annie?” Amanda screeched as I got back to where she was. Girls all around were glowering at me, evidently jealous, but Amanda, who was positively beaming with pride, was all that I cared about.

“Awesome,” I said, handing her the bouquet. Of course, it hadn’t just been awesome. It had been unreal, magnificent, and somewhat magical, though it might have been more so if it was just me and Justin. But I wasn’t going to tell Amanda all that

Justin was positively marvelous after I had seen him, I was worried he might get a little hoarse form how well he was singing.

To sum it up, I had a great time, and arrived back home with Manda, almost floating off the ground with glee. Ari picked up on it immediately- she had waited up for us.

“What did you do?” she asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Nothing,” I replied innocently.

“Then where did the flowers come from?” she asked.

“She got picked to be the one less lonely girl!” Amanda screamed, and then let out the entire story. Gee, thanks a lot, sis.

I heard a chuckle and turned to see dad standing at the base of our staircase, smiling.

“You girls had a good time? I heard you Amanda,” he said as Manda opened her mouth again, to relate the story the whole of New York probably knew by now. So we settled for nodding.

“Great. Anna, d’you think you’ll be up in time tomorrow morning?” I glanced at the clock. It was a reasonable question, seeing as it was close to two in the morning.

“Sure,” I replied, my insides starting to squirm just at the thought of tomorrow.

“What about tomorrow? What’s happening?” Arielle quizzed.

“Annie is going on tour with Justin, starting tomorrow,” dad replied. “Didn’t she tell you?” My heart sank. I had forgotten to tell Ari. And I could see it on her face already she was seriously displeased.

“Ah,” she said simply, but I knew she was starting to seethe inside. “I see.” Dad didn’t seem to notice anything, or if he did, he pretended otherwise.

“Great! Well, off to bed, girls! Anna, I’ll take Amanda, go on.” Wanting to avoid Ari, I hastily, skipped up the steps to my room and closed the door behind me. But it seemed that she either didn’t want to talk to me, or didn’t think I was worth the trouble. Anyways, she let me be.

After a sleep in which I did more tossing and thinking than sleeping, I rose, but not tired. Rather, I was filled with a rolling, squirming sensation of nervousness in my stomach, rather like I had eaten several large snakes. It was so bad that I could barely touch my cereal. Thankfully, dad was on the phone for the whole time, so he didn’t notice anything.

I dressed without realizing what I was doing. It wasn’t until I realized I had pulled a pair of leg warmers on for sleeves did I focus on what I was putting on.  I packed my essentials in a small purple and green sequined bag that was really special to me, for it was one of my last gifts from my mom. And I was ready to go. I checked to make sure I was decent. I was, or at least, I hoped so. The nervousness that was kindling in my stomach in thought of upcoming events (I would not say that they were because I was going to meet Justin again) was making it hard to concentrate.

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