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Kirishima woke up as he always did. A dull pang of hunger that slowly faded, a sore throat, and tears. God, so many tears.. The redhead wiped his cheeks, trying to forget his nightmare. He breathed out a whimper, standing up and grabbing his uniform, his feet padding lightly against the soft carpet.

"Hair for Brains?! You up??" "Yeah, gimme a sec, Bakugou." Kirishima slipped on his uniform, leaving his hair down, tying a white bandana around his head, his bangs falling over it. The boy gave a fake smile to the mirror as he covered up his cut scars and other scars on his arms with foundation. He told himself he'd take care of the rest later as he slipped the bottle and sponge into his bag, heading out with a fake, bright smile.

"G'morning!" "Morning or whatever.." Bakugou rolled his eyes, trudging to the common room. Kirishima followed, chuckling softly. "How'd you sleep, bro?" "Shut your trap, Dumb Hair." "Ah-.. okay." 

Bakuboob POV

'The hell? He's never stopped pestering me so fast before..' Bakugou thought, confused by the sudden drop in his best friend's, yes, BEST FRIEND, GET OVER IT EXTRA!!, attitude, the redhead trailing behind him, eyes to the ground.

Bakugou was worried, but he brushed it off. Kirishima would be back to normal in a few minutes, with his weird, touchy feel-y, happy sunshine personality. 

Oh how wrong he was.

I'm so sorry about the short part, I'm working on some stuff for cosplays! I hope you all have a fantastic day, and you are loved! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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