The Myth of Ganymede

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A singularly beautiful boy called Ganymede was playing one day on the hills near Troy, when a great black cloud suddenly overspread the sun and a sudden wind sent the dust and the leaves flying. There was a roll of thunder, with a few flashes of lightning, and then an enormous black eagle suddenly swooped down from the cloud, caught up Ganymede in its talons, and sailed away. 

Tros, Ganymede's father, who was in a neighboring field, saw all that happened; but although he shouted and ran and threw sticks and stones toward the fast rising bird, the eagle was far beyond the reach of such missiles long before Tros arrived at the hill where Ganymede had been playing. 

So the poor father, overcome with grief, went home and told his wife what had happened. When the neighbors heard the story, they all gathered together at the house of Tros and mourned with the grief-stricken father and mother. It was of no use to search for Ganymede, for the eagle had taken him far beyond the mountains of that country. 

A few days later a strange visitor came to the house of Tros. He carried a curious rod with snakes twined round it, and two shadowy wings fluttered from his cap. "Do not mourn for Ganymede," said he, "the boy has met with great good fortune. His beauty has caused him to be loved by Jupiter, who has taken him for his cup-bearer; he pours ruby nectar into a golden cup for the king of the gods; he will never die nor grow old." 

When Tros heard these words, he was comforted.

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