Life is never always kind

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Today I woke up pretty early so I did as usual and checked my phone because senku never breathes in a new way without sharing it and of course as usual he has sent me a message late at night when I was having my beauty sleep to meet him in the school science lab before lessons start, he must have discovered something. Good thing I woke up early. I hurriedly put on my school uniform so I would have plenty of time to hear about what senku discovered , I really enjoy listening to him when he talks about science aka the love of his life , the way his eyes sparkle with passion and ambition and the hint of excitement in his voice always motivates me to never fall behind and gives me a lot of courage, not that I lack any but somehow I get a boost when I am around him if that's even possible. We're now in highschool and in those years that we have stayed together we grew very close, just as I listen to him all the time not just about science but everything, he listens to me talking about anything. So I can proudly say that his mere presence is a comfort to me . Well he's always been present it's almost annoying, I mean coming to my house in the middle of the night to tell me that one of his rocket experiments succeeded, looking back on it now it sure was hilarious especially that there is something called a phone out there but for some strange reason this incredibly smart boy forgot that it existed and just came running to my house, of course I was furious at the time and when I told him that he could have called he stopped for a second and said seriously "oh I forgot" . Every time I remember that I want to roll on the ground from laughter. I recalled all that on my way to school.
When I met up with senku his face lit up "you're early"
"Well I sure didn't wanna miss anything"
It turned out that senku had found a new kind of fuel for his rocket and he wanted to test it out . He said that in theory it should be more efficient than the normal fuel we use. I watched him as he was putting everything together and a thought crossed my mind but I dismissed it immediately, no, that's just not possible.
Senku was right as usual and the experiment was a success and now I have to drag him to the classroom or he'll stay here by the river obsessing over his rocket. I have to admit that it's kinda cute, and I felt truly happy.
Towards the middle of the day I got summoned to the staff room, they said that someone has called for me. It must be my parents wanting to tell me that they will be out by the time I come home or something.
I couldn't be more wrong.
A teacher was nervously explaining to me how someone has called to inform them that my parents had died, apparently my mother suddenly got really ill and my father worried too much for her so he tried to take her to a hospital but he speeded up too much and they ended up both dead in an accident.
After I heard this much , the world became mute , I could see the teacher talking but I couldn't hear him. I was terrified to my core. Even tears couldn't make their way to my eyes. I just stood there ,frozen ,while  millions of thoughts ran through my head . Why? My beloved parents. I wasn't there for them. I never did enough for them. All my memories with my parents flashed before me. I could feel myself dying on the inside and in the middle of all that I finally found my voice and muttered a thank you for telling me to the teacher and turned on my heels and left the room. My voice must have been cold, all my actions there must have been cold and rude but I didn't care, nothing matters now. It was still lesson time so I went to the school's roof where nobody goes and just sat there on the ground. I buried my head in my knees and started sobbing, silent cries so no one would hear or know of me.
I stayed there crying, I have no idea how much time has passed nor did I care .
Suddenly a familiar voice called my name, I didn't respond, I don't want him to see me like this . Please just go away and forget about me senku , please.
But he didn't
I felt his hand on my shoulder "Jane are you alright?"
"Please go away senku"
"Woah there is that really you Jane? Your voice is so different"
"Leave me alone"
I am not sure how he did that but I must have been really weak to not resist but he lifted my head and his eyes that were filled with concern met mine "you're definitely not okay Jane. Never in my life have I ever seen you crying, no matter how tough it got or how sad you were , you just smiled all the time, what is it that was so terrible that made you cry?"
Now I snapped, I couldn't take it anymore. I am sure that my face must be a mess and I look very unsightly but now my silent cries became audible and louder. I went on crying for god knows how long while senku just looked at me without uttering a word. After a while I stopped, wiped away my tears and hugged my legs " you're the only one I have left now"
"My parents died , the call I got was to tell me that"
Then I explained to him how they died and how I spent all my time afterwards here crying and I basically just poured my heart to him, even though I knew I would regret it later because I never wanted to burden him with my emotions but he still listened to me which gave me some courage to take on life.
"Pathetic huh?" I said through a little smile
Senku pulled me into a hug. I was so shocked, senku never hugs anyone and he's not the emotional type so I tensed up at first but then I realized that he must be doing this because that's his way of telling me that he'll be here for me because he isn't that great at talking about things that are not science related , so I eased into the hug . It's very warm , I can tell that it's filled with empathy. I couldn't help it my heart started racing and my face grew hotter but I didn't let go , his embrace is healing me and I felt like everything will be fine as long as I have him.
When we broke apart he ruffled my hair "You do realize that school is over , don't you?"
"WHAAAT!" Did I seriously spend that much time on the rooftop but "wait a second, how come you didn't come to find me during all that time?"
"Hold it right there, it's not like I can look for you during lesson time and besides who on earth would have guessed that you would be up here , I looked for you all over the school"
For some reason that made me laugh out loud and once I calmed down I looked at the ground in embarrassment "thank you senku, for everything, I really wouldn't know what to do without you"
when I looked up senku was starting at me but then he cleared his through and said "you don't need to thank me , I didn't really do anything and besides we've been friends since we were kids it's only natural that I would be here for you during a time like this"
This. Is. A. Surprise
I honestly did not know that he was capable of such a speech.
I laughed again "Who are you and what have you done with senku?"
This time he smiled and ruffled my hair again "let's go home"

The science of love senku x ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu