How it started

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My name is Jane Pove, I am 6 years old . I just started elementary school. It's easy but I still study hard . My favorite place is the library, I like reading a lot, especially about science. I get very absorbed in reading that I sometimes miss class , it never affected my academic level so I don't think much of it. My classmates call me weird and a nerd , they never bother to at least try to be friends with me , I did though but they always shun me and bully me so I taught them a lesson, I beat them all up until they they ran away crying. Later that day I was called to the principal's office and got a lecture and too much trouble, but it was worth it . No one would ever try to bully me which is good but the bad part about it is that I will never have any friends, oh well I give up , I realized that the books are my only friends .
One day I was reading an advanced book about astronomy, it was very fascinating and I was lost in it and the knowledge it provided, when suddenly I felt someone taping my shoulder "hey can I have that book that you're reading?"
It was boy , he looked very bright, his hair was shaped like green onion, I almost laughed at that ,and his eyes are big and and brown they told me that he knows a lot.
"But I am reading it"was my silly response
"Well we can both read it together"
I smiled at him , he is friendly "sure why not"
He sat next to me and we both stared reading, even though we did not say anything to each other but I certainly enjoyed his company. I don't know how much time had passed before he turned to me with his curious eyes and asked "why are you reading this book ? Isn't it too complicated for you?" Oh wow he is underestimating me too much "no I actually understand every word that is written in here as for why I am reading it , well I love science, I want to expand my knowledge, I want to do something with it , I don't know what yet but I want to do something , what about you, why are you reading it?"
"Well I want to go to space, as simple as that"
When he said that something sparked in my head and I found myself wanting to be friends with this boy very badly and it seemed that he was thinking the same thing because he said "how about you become my assistant?"
My big grin showed my answer before I said anything "I wouldn't mind that!" Then it hit me like a truck , I still don't know his NAME.
"Oh by the way , I am Jane pove , what's your name?" "Senku Ishigami"
We shook hands and stood up to leave because the bell announcing the end of our break was about to ring , but he stopped at the library's door and I followed "what class are you in?"he asked
"1-A, what about you?"
"I am also in 1-A"
We both paused for a second before saying in union "how did I not notice you before?" I started laughing my very loud laugh out while senku smirked, good thing that we're out of the library.
"Well Jane since you're my assistant now , meet me after school near the river, I am going to show you something exhilarating"
My grin got bigger if possible "now I am fired up"
We ended up being late to class and got scolded by the teacher , but to me it was worth it because I got to meet senku.
Later that day , I went to where senku told me to go and found him there working on... a rocket! "THAT'S A FREAKING ROCKET SENKU , THAT'S AMAZING!" I yelled in excitement, but senku just covered his ears "jeez could you be any louder?" I giggled "as a matter of fact I can" senku just rolled his eyes "well come and help me with it , how about that?"
I smiled and approached him and his rocket.
After that me and senku would meet up every day to work on his rocket , we experimented a lot and it was fun , it made me happy how surprised senku was that I can keep up with him and challenge him , it was hilarious when he discovered how physically strong I am , however it was a serious moment at that time because there were some older boys trying to pick on us and destroy our experiments . I held them off just fine until a boy named taiju showed up and beat them to a pulp and we ended up becoming friends with him , although he was all muscle and no brains but he was nice and helped us a lot , through him we made another friend,yuzuriha , she became my best friend, she's very simple and artistic which made me connect with her more because I love drawing and writing. All that made my childhood very much fun.

The science of love senku x ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon