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You talk so much with nothing to say,
Wasting the air that we breathe
So your words fill the space around you,
And enter the minds of those with
The capacity to understand
The complexities you preach.
But how much nothing falls from your lips?
With fragrant sentences that please the ear,
But leave nothing for the brain to enjoy.
You involve yourself with the affairs
That have long since passed
And only retain significance
In the teachings of today.
Perhaps hoping to validate
Your knowledge of the present
With the mistakes of the past.
Perchance, you may sway one
With your argument,
Or may it be that those
Lacy words have covered
The ears of the critics?
Whatever the causation,
Your position is opaque.
To understand your concerns
Is to contemplate your thoughts,
And doing so is a sacred violation of your mind.
Speak not carelessly, lest you bear your
Thoughts to the harsh world
And it's judgements.
Once spoken a word can only be destroyed,
Prodded into submission and drowned in apathy,
Or worse yet, forgotten.

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