⭐️Swift Vengeance⭐️

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You started looking everywhere, but you couldn't find anyone who looked suspicious. You were confused and scared. Jotaro picked you up bridal style and ran to the truck. He put you in the truck, flipped over the truck, and got in on his side and sped off swiftly. "What's happening?!" You asked terrified of the situation. "Don't worry. We left and we have our gramm-" All of a sudden a bullet shot the back window of the truck and cracked it. "What the hell?" Jotaro looked in his rearview mirror and saw two black SUVs behind you two, holding guns in hand. "Son of a bitch! They're trying to kill us!" Jotaro became enraged to the point where you can see the vein in his neck.

Jotaro was driving really quickly and swiftly, while dodging other cars. He took a hard curve and your face hit the window. "Ow." You said rubbing your cheek. "Sorry boop. I'm trying to flush out these bastards." Jotaro said as he looked in the mirror again. "Why is this happening?" Another bullet hit your rearview mirror and you screamed in fear. "AHHH!" "SHUT UP! Don't worry. I got this." A bullet hit the back mirror this time and the bullet zinched Jotaro's shoulder. "Ah! Jotaro! Your shoulder!" You said worried for him. "It doesn't matter. It doesn't even hurt." Your man is very stoic. This time Jotaro took out a gun. Using star platinum's star vision, he shot two tires from one SUV. The truck started swerving and rolling like a can on a table and them you and Jotaro heard a loud "BOOM!" The truck exploded into smithereens.

"One down, one to go." Jotaro chuckled to himself. The other one, though the passenger had a fast-shooting gun. He shot the gun and bullets started massacring the back of the truck. You and Jotaro were dodging bullets left and right. Jotaro took this chance to look in the rearview mirror and saw a woman shooting the gun. He squinted his eyes. "Is that-" you saw Jotaro looking at the mirror carefully. "What is it?" You asked still laying low in the truck. "That bitch!" Jotaro yelled and summoned star platinum. A bullet came your way. You looked to your side and saw a bullet floating next to you. Jotaro used star platinum to catch the bullet on mid-air. You jumped in reaction. "What's that?!" You asked scared stiff. Jotaro didn't reply. Jotaro used star platinum's throwing enhancement to throw the bullet back at them. The his shot dead in the driver's forehead and the truck started swerving and going all over the place. The truck then crashes into a nearby store. Jotaro stopped the truck and got out. You followed.

The woman crawled out the SUV only to be stopped by you and Jotaro. "You?! Why did you do this?!" You asked with slight anger. "You won a gramm-" she coughed out blood, " you took that away from me." Victoria said, even though her body was very battered. "Huh? Wha-" Jotaro put his hand on your shoulder. "I'll handle this." You looked up at Jotaro. "Okay." You say softly. "Yare Yare daze. You're annoying me and you almost hurt my wife." It's time to end you." Jotaro used star platinum to beat Victoria's ass. ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! You couldn't see the stand but you could see Victoria's getting her ass handed to her. OOOOORA! and with that Victoria was sent flying in the air. "What just happened?" You asked confused, clutching the grammys. "Don't worry about it. Let's go home." You and Jotaro got in the messed-up truck and somewhat made it home.

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