⭐️Grammy Fanny⭐️

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You were waiting patiently for Jotaro to come out. You didn't know what Jotaro was planning to do tonight but you hoped it was pleasant, fun, and safe. You had a little trouble getting in the truck, not because of your height, but because you had on high heels. And the truck was huge, but you understood why Jotaro bought such a truck. Jotaro is a big man, plus he's tall, so he needs a big truck. Jotaro finally came out and got into the truck."Where're we going?" You asked. He didn't respond. You expected it. Then he turned to you. "You look very beautiful tonight." he finally said. That made you smile and blush a bit. "Thanks." You told him. He started the truck and drove off, heading towards Downtown LA.

After an hour of driving, you two finally made it to a very ornate and lit up building that had a red carpet. You had stars in your eyes when you realized what tonight was: the Grammy awards ceremony. All you ever wanted as an award was a Grammy. You have many other awards, but you never won a grammy. You looked up at Jotaro, who looked liked he had the same thought. "Well, what're waiting for?" "Oh!" Jotaro helped you out the truck and all you saw were flashes of camera lights and celebrities walking down the red carpet. You and Jotaro walked the red carpet into the building. "Wow." You said amazed at the sight. "Yare Yare, there's too many people." He said clearly getting annoyed with the level of talking. You saw many celebrities: Cardi B, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Chris Brown and many more. You saw an array of decorations and pictures on the wall. You were very ecstatic about tonight. You were awaiting for the Grammy award ceremony.

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