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Sarah J Mass owns the ACOTAR charaters.
Masashi Kishimoto owns any Naruto characters.
I (Marvel4life) own only the Dawson and Chiyoko family as my OC's.
And last but not least......... (Y/n) owns (Y/n).


In the start pic Rhysand and Feyre are in the middle.
(Starting from the lady with a flower on the bottom left corner)
Elain, Nesta, Azriel, Cassian, Morrigan and lastly you(just imagine with your hair and eyes).



(Y/n) POV

I was in hell.

Also known as School........

"Ugh....... when is class gonna be over?" I groaned.
"Shhhhh...... At 4:00 then we can go home so hold on will ya?" Rhys whispers back to me.

"Mr Night? Will you answer this question on the board as you don't seem too busy talking to Ms Chiyoko?" The maths teacher asks Rhys.
"Sorry" I mouth to him as he makes his way up to the board but he just shrugs.

I stare at the clock. I swear it's going as slow as a snail!😑😑
"YES!!!" I leap up with joy. Rhys chuckles at me. "Calm down (Y/n)!"

"I finally get to do a shopping spree with The Gang and then have a Naruto marathon. You know how important my Naruto marathon's are to me and on top of that no school for 2 WEEKS. It's like Christmas came early this year!!"

Rhys just looks at me amused. "It is Christmas,(Y/n)...." he says.
I wave him off. "Details. Details."

We reach our lockers and I put my all my books back in it. Me and Rhys walk to the front gate. The whole gang is there. We all greet eachother and start walking to the mall.

Rhysand(Rhys), Cassian(Cass), Azriel(Az), Morrigan(Mor), Feyre(Fey), Nesta(Nes), Elain (El) and (ofcourse) me are The Gang.
We are the most popular group in the whole school.
We actually rivalled Tamlin the Tool's group.

Rhys and Fey are dating. They started dating after Fey broke it off with the Tool after she saw him cheating on her with Ianthe. Fey was so heart-broken and I consoled her and introduced her to Rhys. They are perfect togather.

Cass and Nes are together. It's good 'cause she's the only one who can keep him in line.

Az and El became a thing about 2 weeks ago when Az asked her out for the Christmas Ball.

Mor isn't with anyone and neither am I. Mor "hasn't found the right guy yet" as she says.
I just don't have any intrest in boys(exept from anime) since my boyfriend, or should I say EX-boyfriend cheated on me.

"Hey (Y/n) you okay back there? You're zoning out!" Cass calls out.
"Huh.." I look up to see that they are waiting for me to catch up.

"Yea...Just thinking is all."I say, running to catch up to them.
"You k?" Fey asks with a concerned look on her face.
I give her a questioning look as I feel a tear run down my face.

"Yea. Just thinking about James......."
I say as Mor hands me a tissue.
Unbeknownst to me everyone shares the same look.
It's the 'she is gonna have so much fun she will forget about that bastard' look.

"Alrighty" El says as Nes and Fey loop there are arms with mine and Mor and El with them and so on till the whole gang is a straight line with looped arms.
A bit like the pic below but with more people and you in the centre and in a long straight line)

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