Where's the Akuma?

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~Meanwhile with Chat Noir and Viperion~

The two superheroes were trying their best to avoid being captured by Princess Justice's followers. It was proving very difficult since they didn't want to hurt anybody, and there were several close calls. Somehow they managed to jump onto the railing above the courtyard and then jumped onto the roof of the school.

"Looks like we're safe up here, it doesn't seem they can reach us." Said Chat looking bellow, seeing the people in golden blindfolds stopping by the wall. Viperion looked towards the main entrance, just as Princess Justice had finished adding another person to join her. "Looks like she just added more people to her ranks." He gestured towards the entrance of the school making Chat glance over. Among her new recruits he recognized his sister 'Jules' he thought. He looked at Chat and said: "We'll need to find where the akuma is hiding and quickly. Before she takes control of all the people in Paris."

Chat nodded in agreement; "I was thinking the same thing, but it doesn't look like it'll be easy." He tried to hide his worried tone in his voice.

"We know for certain it's not in her mask." Viperion commented, as he recalled when he had hit her mask earlier with his lyre.

"Right, so it's either I'm her sword, or in her hair ornaments?" Chat said as he tried remembering the objects he had seen on Princess Justice.

"It'll be difficult to get to them at a distance, so we'll need to get up close. Once we've made sure we found it, we'll need to power up quickly so that we can purify it."

"Wow, you caught on quick." Chat praised the snake-themed superhero.

"Just trying to be helpful." He modestly replied. "I'll use my second chance now, just in case things don't go as planned." He said as he pulled the snake's head back on his bracelet.

The two heroes quickly jumped off the roof and headed towards Princess Justice. Lunging attacks left and right on their opponent, while also trying to avoid getting captured by her minions. While Viperion had managed to keep most of her followers occupied. Chat Noir had used his cataclysm on her sword, it had corroded and he managed to break it. However to his surprise no akuma appeared. Before he had time to react, another sword had appeared on her left hand. She landed the tip of her sword on his chest and said; "Reveal yourself, and tell all of Paris who hides behind that mask!" Chat Noir's eyes glazed over and he stood up straight like a statue. Before he could utter another word, Viperion had managed to go back in time, sending them back to the roof where they had been discussing their plan.

"The akuma is not in her sword." He updated Chat about what he had learned from the recent battle.

After several 'second chances' and going back to the same spot where they started, Viperion commented; "There must be something we're missing. The akuma doesn't seem to be on her sword, or the hair ornaments." He had informed Chat about everything he had noticed.

"Then were coul-..." Chat stopped himself midsentence, remembering the confrontation he had with Princess Justice. When she had turned to look at him. He had noticed a charm that was attached to front of her veil-like cape. "It's in charms that's haging bellow her neck!" He replied.

"Okay, so now that we know where it's hiding we'll need to power-up and end this." Viperion stated, relieved to find out that this nightmare would soon end.

"Seems like this is the perfect time. Her attention has shifted to her prisoner." Chat commented gesturing towards the center of the courtyard where Lila was being held.

"We don't know for how long. So we'll need to be quick. I'll see you soon." Viperion responded before swiftly ran on the roof and hid himself behind one the pillars nearby. He quickly detrasnformed, and caught Sass who really seemed worn out from the continued use of power. "I'm really sorry, it's taking me so long. But it'll be over soon, so please hold out a bit longer." Luka had sympathetically told the little snake kwami, as he fed him some ham, that he had been carrying specifically for Sass. He had learned that it was his preferred snack.

"It'sss been quite a challenge, but nothing I can't handle." The little snake said with a smile, trying to reassure his owner.

Once he had his fill, Luka grabbed the pink macaron Master Fu had given him, threw it upwards for Sass to eat. "Sass Power-Up!"

With his new powered-up transformation Luka noticed a few changes to his costume along with his Lyre. His suit was still a Cyan color, with the same snake like patterned texture. Except for the diamond emblem on his chest and the fangs on his mask; they were now a pink color instead of their usual color. His Lyre was slightly different too. The strings were slight glowing in a pinkish colored light, and the diamond pattern on on lyre had changed to the same pink color. "Aside from the slight change in color, I dont feel any different." He mumbled to himself. He ran back the way he came to meet up with Chat Noir, who had arrived at the same time. Chat's suit was also slightly different with hidden tints of pink here and there. The cat print on his baton was now a pink color and was subtly glowing with the same pink light.

"Let's finish this." Chat said earning a nod from Viperion.

~Back with Princess Justice and Lila~

"Looks like noone wants to bother saving you, they've abandoned you." She told Lila as she lifted her chin with the tip of her sword. "I think we need change of scenery. Maybe then they'll show up." She gestured toward Nino and Alya to hold both of Lila's arms as well as Kim to grip her shoulders from behind to make her stop squirming, while dismissing the others who were keeping her surrounded.

"P-please! I'm sorry!" Lila pleaded, only to be ignored. The next thing she saw the red fog surrounding them and lifting them higher and higher up. "Help me Chat Noir!" She screamed with tears flooding down her face. It wasn't too long before they reached the top of the Eiffel Tower.

-At the same time-

While the two heroes were waiting for the perfect time to strike, they both noticed the red smoke starting build up around Princess Justice, Lila, and the three holding Lila back. The red cloud passed over them, and they heard the girl's cry for help. They were heading towards the Eiffel Tower, the two heroes didn't waste any time and began following the red cloud.

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