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(This chapter is dedicated to oneandonlytruelove)

On the day before Remus was supposed to transform, Sirius and James returned to Hogwarts. Remus stayed behind in the Shack on McGonagall's advice, given how unfit he was to attend the lessons.

"I can't believe I missed Halloween," Sirius pouted as they walked into their dorms. McGonagall had told them to stay in their beds. Dinner could be had at her office.

"It wasn't fun..." James sighed, stretching out on Sirius' bed. Sirius sat down next to him. "It's our job to make things fun at Hogwarts," Sirius sighed.

"I'm sick of this," he groaned. He wanted Regulus back. He hated the hiding, the running away.

"You won't be going to meet Severus today, yeah?"

"No. We resume Occlumency training tomorrow."

"Is it any good?"

Sirius shook his head. James gently rubbed his back. "What do you think they're looking for?"

"Who?" Sirius turned to James.

"Dumbledore said your father's enemies are looking for something. It can't be Mandrake roots, Sirius." James sat up. Sirius bit his lip. He hadn't even thought about it.

As far as he was aware, he had nothing except his clothes and a stash of cigarettes. And some potions. Calming Draught to help him with his anxiety, and Sleeping Draught to get him to fall asleep.

"I have no idea."

Dinner with Professor McGonagall was uneventful. Sirius was not in the mood to try and charm her, and James was too nervous about leaving him to go to the Shack.

Peter joined them inside their room after dinner. "We're counting on you, Wormtail." James pat his back. He waited until everyone was asleep before sneaking out.

Sirius curled up under the sheets, facing the wall. He didn't want to look at Remus' empty bed. He took some of the Sleeping Draught, and fell into a deep sleep.


'Weak, weak, weak!'
His mother's voice, sharp and angry.

'I'll show you what it means to be a Black!'
A flash of red light.

'What a disgrace... I had such high hopes for you, Sirius.'
His father, almost remorseful in his disappointment.

'Where did we go wrong? I gave him everything he wanted, Orion.'
You gave me everything but love, perhaps what I needed the most.

'Tell me the killing curse!'

'Kill it! Kill it, Sirius!'

'Please, mother...'

'I said, kill the accursed creature. Now!'

Another flash of red. And then another. A hex thrown his way. Knees buckling, wand almost slipping out of his grip...

'Kill it!'

Unbearable pain.

'Avada kedavra!'

Sirius shot up in his bed, clutching his throat as he gasped for air. The dormitory was dark.

A brilliant flash of green light. The young dragon dropping to the floor, dead. Laughter. High-pitched, odious laughter.

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