Oh I know...

They don't want to take care of me anymore. I really liked being little around the guys they were lots of fun and always worked with my little side even when I was melting down I'm not sure what I would do without them.

"Payton do you remember what happened last night" Griff asks

"Uh yeah we went to dinner and I tripped on the way home then I had a bath and then I guess I fell asleep" I tell them but I know they are looking for me to say something else.

"Payton last night before you fell asleep you said something" Tayler starts

I can't figure out what I could have said that would have them so worked up.

"Did I cuss or something" I ask confused

"No Payton you...called us your daddies" Tayler says quietly

"Oh my god" I feel my cheeks flush

"I'm soo sorry I didn't mean to I know that this is just a temporary thing I shouldn't have called you that I'm sorry" I say rapidly trying to fix the situation

"Payton calm down bud we aren't mad" Griffin says taking my hand

"Payton we wanted to talk to you because we'd like to make this more...permanent" Tayler says with a nervous smile taking my other hand to hold

"W-What?" I say shooked

"We want to be your daddies" Griffin says I can see a flush on his cheeks obviously a bit embarrassed at saying daddy out loud.

I guess I sat not saying anything too long because Tayler quickly tells me

"If you don't want that it's fine we're perfectly happy taking care of you till you find another caregiver"

"No!" I blurt out shaking my head rapidly at that

"Or fuck I mean yes! I want you guys to be my caregivers" I say looking back and forth between the two

At that I'm immediately engulfed in a bear hug by the two boys

I laugh happily as they smother me in kisses.

We settle in together I cuddle up in their laps and they wrap us up in a blanket.

"I have some snakes if you want some" Griffin says and I nod

He digs through the "diaper" bag and pulls out a pack of fruit snacks, he opens them before handing them too me.

"Here baby boy" he says

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get me to be little" I joke

"I mean if you wanted too we wouldn't mind" Tayler says

I'm not sure if I should I mean it's how does the dynamic change

"Umm" I start

"Baby it's fine you don't have too" Griffin says

"Okay" I mumble

I relax back and eat my fruit snacks as Trent stands up at the front of the bus

"Bathroom break in five minutes everyone up!" Trent yells and I hear lots of groans at the sudden loud noise.

When we stop at the gas station everyone makes their way off the bus and Griffin and Tayler walk us over to Kevin,Sam and Harrison.

Sam seems...different

He's leaning into Harrison almost hiding behind him like he's shy when normally have very spunky and out going but I decide he's probably just tired.

"Hey guys" Griffin says

"Hey" Harrison and Kevin replied but Sam whine and hid further behind his brother.

"Is he little" Tayler asks with a laugh

"Wait what?!" I question

"Sam is a little too" Griffin says and Kevin nods

"Sam can you say hi to Payton please" Harrison tries to convince Sam but only receives a shake of the head.

"Well anyways how are you doing Payton" Kevin asks

"I'm really good thanks for asking" I reply with a smile

"We made it official we're Payton's daddies" Tayler blurts out suddenly

"Tayler" I squeal

"Sorry sorry I couldn't help it I'm just really happy about it" Tayler says happily

"That's great guys" Kevin and Harrison say happily

"Okay well I'm gonna have this little guy go in a use the bathroom and get a snack before we leave" Harrison says

"Good idea" Griffin says leading me inside as well

"I can take care of myself" I grumble embarrassed

"But you don't have too" Tayler and Griffin sing song taking me into the store.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Where stories live. Discover now