And now, what was I doing? Everything that I thought I would never do. Here I am wearing something similar to what Saitama was wearing, so we're basically matching. I was wearing a black formal top, velvet, mind you, with a white, button up undershirt that somehow lined up with the buttons of the top. And, what's even more surprising? Both probably to Saitama and me? I was wearing a skirt.

Definitely not something I thought I would even have, but lo and behold, I'm wearing a skirt. My hair's done a bit more nicely than I usually have it, and the skirt I have isn't too short, but also not too long. It comes a bit above my knees, but nothing more than that. There are probably a ton of perverts just DYING to see me. God, being famous doesn't come with NOT being stalked by a ton of dudes who definitely have a body pillow.

I looked to the side, a small blush on my face, "Thanks, Baldy." I took a step back, and let the bald man exit. My heart beat a bit faster, knowing that we had actually matched even though it was solely on accident.

As we walked down the stairs, Saitama asked, "Tats?"

"Yeah?" I was half-paying attention, because I found it weird that Genos hadn't been there. Fubuki hadn't told me what she was doing either, despite the fact that she usually called me on the daily and asked if she had gotten any monster reports, and then told me that she was gonna be doing something with those "hero" friends of hers.

"Is it still cool with you if we sort of use our powers to get there?" He asked, slightly anxious. He probably hadn't done anything all day, and I'm pretty sure he was still waking up when I called him.

"Baldy, it's like, ten minutes away!" I teased, a small smile on my face.

It was nice, hanging out with someone.


As Saitama and Tatsumaki entered the sushi restaurant, Tatsumaki noted, "I made sure that the place we were going to had at least 2 Michelin stars, so you better expect this food to be good! I usually eat at other restaurants because even though I don't think I'm stingy, I usually eat at pretty high-end places. Hence, why this place has 3 Michelin stars."

Saitama looked confused, not even noticing the restaurant begin to slowly start staring at the pair of powerful heroes as he questioned, "Tats? What does any of that mean? And what's a Michigan star?"

Tornado sighed, crossing her arms under her chest as she resisted the urge to smack the bald man over the top of his head for his ignorance, "First off, quiet down. This is a high-end restaurant, and not your family diner. Second off, it's a Michelin star. And third, a Michelin star, or even three, are only given to super amazing restaurants that are really, really delicious."

"Oh," he nodded. "Wait, how much is this stuff costing?" However, his attempts at trying to learn a bit more about the expensive world he didn't even think about exploring were defied by the hostess calling out their reservation.

"Miss...Tornado?" The hostess questioned, slightly confused until she saw the famous hero, barely even acknowledging the bald man beside her. "Oh, I apologize, Miss Tornado! A table for two, correct? Follow me!" She seemed pepped up, as if the fatigue had instantly vanished.

"Tats," Saitama spoke quietly, trying to be a bit more quiet. "Is it always like this when you're going out? Like in shops and everything?"

"Oh, I just wonder what you could possibly mean," Tornado sarcastically droned, rolling her eyes. "Yep, it's always like this, Baldy. I'm never in peace, because everyone worships me as if I'm the be all, end all when it comes to whether they live or die. To me, it's even more annoying that they worship me like this when I'm not in a fight."

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