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It felt like hours, waiting for him to go away, hoping that he didn't notice my presence as I tried to silence my labored breathing. I was hiding in the far corner of the hallway, being shielded by a trash can (which really didn't help me from hiding my huge body but I still used it anyway). I forced my body still, trying hard to make myself looked smaller (even if it's futile but I digress). My breathing came hitched when I felt his dark presence slowly nearing my hiding place.

Merda, just what the hell have I gotten myself into? And god, why the hell does he smell so good?

His scent is making me crazy!

My hands started to twitch abnormally when I smell the weirdly familiar metallic scent coming from him.


He reeks of blood.

I covered my nose in fear, trying hard to block the vile yet tantalizing scent coming from him but failing utterly as the pungent smell got even stronger. I cursed darkly under my breath when I heard him chuckled coldly, making my heart skip a beat.

'What the freaking hell?' I inwardly cursed myself for even thinking that he has a nice voice. 

Goddamn it, this guy is making me contemplate my freaking sanity. What the hell?!

'You know what? Fuck it! I'm not hiding anymore! I'm gonna face him like a m-man! Does he think that he s-scares me? Ha! I a-am so n-not s-scared of him!' 

With that thought in mind (which I find stupid and I will surely regret for the rest of my life) I willed myself to stand up and face the creepy dude but everything went into the gutter when I saw a pair of well-polished shoes stops in front of me. And that is the moment that I knew that I fucked up big time.


The only thing that was left was a deafening silence. I can feel the dread creeping on my body and being the stupid and curious motherfucker I was, I slowly lifted my head only to meet his piercing gaze.

Another fuck.

His stare was paralyzing, like looking at a hungry beast, eye to eye, making my heart ran a million miles. I can barely prevent my body from shivering in fear as I started to sweat nervously. I gulped, trying to ease my nerves as my eyes swept anywhere but him. I felt him smirked above me, mocking and taunting and oh so so cold.

Why, oh why do I have to run into him now, God? Why him of all beings?!

"Well, well...if isn't it the new blood?" came his cold and oh so beautiful voice as it travels around the empty hallway, making it even eerier. Ah, fuck Daniel! Stop being so weird!

My voice was caught down on my throat when he kneeled before me and lightly hold my chin up, forcing me to meet his obsidian eyes. His eyes were glowing darkly against the light, making me feel light-headed for no reason.

Crap, he's so beautiful, I'm gonna cry--NO, BAD DANNY! BAD!

"What are you doing here all alone, little pup? Were you trying to spy on us?" He smirked coldly as his chilly breath fan my face, unconsciously making me shiver. His smirk grew even wider, obviously showing his cold amusement as he inched even closer to my face.

"Or perhaps, were you meeting with someone?" He softly whispered in my ear yet it felt like an ultimatum. His voice was like melting chocolate. I almost choke on my saliva when I heard him speak.

Cazzo. I almost came from that, what the fuck, me?!

"Answer me, amore. Or I might do something that you may not like," He drawled as he raised his hand slowly towards my left cheek.

Oh, Mio dio. The way he said it. Is he trying to kill me with his beautiful and sinful voice?!

"I am waiting," He slides his fingers under my chin, tilting it up to meet his tantalizing and piercing eyes.

I gulped to ease my nervousness as my thoughts rage like a bulletin train. I felt my face flushed a hot red as I felt my blood circulate rapidly around my body, corresponding to my erratically beating heart.

Calm down, thyself!

Seriously, how the fucking hell did this happen to me?!

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