Chapter 1

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This is a story about the white haired captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya. Only he grew up in the same era as Urahara and Yuroichi. How does he end up joining the Gotei 13? What kind of person is he with such a different upbringing? And what goes differently when Aizen's plans come into action?

FYI: Most if this story is one great big spoiler, so if you haven't seen much of the show/manga.... your gonna be in for some major surprises.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except for my ideas. The story, as you know, belongs to Ice Prince Hitsugaya on Fanfiction.

-One thousand and twenty years before the Agent of the Shinigami arc-

In the forest of Rukongai, just a few hundred feet from the village of Junrinan, a young haired child about eleven to twelve years in age, four feet in height stood with his head lowered to the ground as if in shame. He was standing just a few yards away from his foster parents' home, which was a normal looking Japanese style house. It only being illuminated by the light from the full, bright moon and the million stars in the sky. But the look in the child's eye seemed as thought he would give anything to not go back.

He began looking around his surroundings suspiciously, as if someone was hidden somewhere around him. He was right. A man about 20 was looking at him with sadness before disappearing. But when the young boy seemed convinced that no one was around, he just closed his eyes and tilted his head down towards the ground one more.

As he breathed in the warm summer air as he opened his eyes and looked up at the clear sky, when he let his breath out, it was visibly seen as though it was extremely cold outside. But instead of his breath drifting upwards like a normal breath would, his drifted down to the ground and instantly froze it on contact. The grass under his feet crystallized and turned as stiff as the trees around him, and as the white haired child breathed in once more he let out another icy cold breath that froze the ground even further.

"Toshiro..." a voice spoke in his mind as he began to drift into his inner world.

But his concentration was broken by a noise coming from within the house. He turned sharply towards the nearest lit room and narrowed his already narrowed eyes. What he saw was a tall, well-built man, with shirt red messy hair and dull pink eyes, walking around the room that appeared to be the living area. But as if the man noticed something was missing in the room, he began looking around rather angrily and without warning, he suddenly yelled, "TOSHIRO!" as the top of his lungs.

A few moments later the young child came walking into the house and up to the older man with his head still lowered, but eyes mostly open. The man looked at the young boy in absolute disgust, the same disgust he has been giving him for the last 6 years.

'No matter how many time I look at him, he always seems to annoy me more and more, he's such a damn freak! How did I get stuck with him as a foster son?!'the man screamed in his own mind as he grabbed Toshiro by the front of his green kimono.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! AND WHERE IS THAT BREAD I SENT YOU TO GET?!" he demanded loudly in the boy's face practically spitting in his eyes in the process.

Toshiro closed his eyes and turned away with his nose curling up as the man's breath reeked of alcohol and things he could even describe. Finally after a few more shakes and demands from the man, Toshiro looked into his eyes and gave his silent yet slightly annoyed reply.

"I was attacked by some of the villagers, they tooked it from me." the man snarled at Toshiro's words but accepted them all the same.

Then as he released his green kimono, he suddenly took a full out swing at Toshiro's face, and as his fist connected with the child's jaw it sent Toshiro practically flying into the wall almost five feet away. And the moment his back smacked the wall, the man instantly began yelling once more.

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