19 • ah here we go again

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guys i know i said twenty chapters but i'm sorry i literally have nO ideas whatsoever for this book anymore. this chapter is basically just fluff so i apologise for u reading this crappy book but i hope fame will make up for it.

Jaemin awoke to some kind of huge weight on his stomach.

For a while, he ignored it as he thought it was just him putting on weight. Honestly he wouldn't be surprised.

Then, a few minutes later, his gained weight wiggled around.

In his sleep, he was quite curious. Since when did weight like to dance?

After a few more minutes, he became even more curious because it was quite heavy weight. He wouldn't usually gain this much weight.

Then, he opened his eyes.

He regretted ever closing them, to be honest.

Directly above his face was someone else's- the dark, fluttered eyelashes completely contrasted to the pale milky skin, and soft, pink lips. It was a lovely sight to wake up to, obviously, although he felt as if Renjun was a bit too heavy.

Then, a blonde head behind Renjun's caught his eye. Another stunning face was there, half on Renjun and half off.

Then he realised, both of the boys were sleeping on his stomach, piled up on one another. At least he didn't gain weight.

"Injunnie," he began, poking the smaller's cheek with his free hand. The other was wrapped around his waist and then caged down by Jeno. The elder stirred for a moment though took no sign of waking up.

He then tried Jeno.
"Jeno," he attempted again, reaching up and caressing the older's cheek. Luckily, Jeno was a light sleeper so he blinked a few times before opening his eyes.

"Jaemin?" He gasped, eyes now fully open. Jaemin shushed him and gestured to Renjun, who still, was sleeping as if nothing was going on. Jeno widened his eyes and immediately rolled off the sofa, onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. At this, Jaemin expected the older to finally wake up, but no. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around Jaemin as well as his legs, nuzzling into his neck and fell asleep properly again.

The younger felt his heart flutter at the action.

"Jun, wake up," Jaemin prodded again, squishing his sides this time.

"It's time to wakey," Jeno winked, ruffling the elder's hair.

"What time is it?" Renjun stirred, lifting his head from the crook of Jaemin's neck, eyes still shut.

"Are you deaf? I just said it's time to wakey," Jeno frowned. "Oh, and it's 11am."

Renjun blinked his eyes open, feeling something quite hard underneath his chest, and didn't remember his sofa being so solid.

After looking down, he yeeted off the sofa, landing on his ass with a loud 'oof'.

"Hey! Why were you under me?" the older accused, pouting. Jaemin widened his eyes in disbelief, crossing his hands over his chest.

"You were the one sleeping on me!"

"I can't help that you're comfortable what can I say?" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"You guys are so cute," Jeno mumbled in a daze. Renjun then crawled over to the boy and pecked his lips, crawled over to Jaemin and repeated the action, grinning.

"So what is this?" The chinese asked, linking their hands.

At the moment, none of them knew, but all they did know was that it was a beautiful thing, whatever it was. They loved every bit of it to say the least.

"It's anything you want it to be," Jeno smiled, looking directly in Renjun's eyes. The two locked their eyes for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

"Ahem. Renjun is mine."

Jeno snapped his head towards Jaemin, raising an eyebrow.

"Excuse you?"

Jaemin smirked. "Yeah."

Renjun himself just rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his foreahead, sighing.

"Renjun is mine thank you very much," Jeno retorted, kissing the chinese's lips.

"Well no, because he likes me," Jaemin frowned, going to kiss the small boy's cheek. Just before he could, Renjun pulled backwards with a mischievous grin and watched the scene unfold. Jeno was still frozen there, as if he was still kissing Renjun, and Jaemin kept leaning forwards, until the two came in contact with each other's lips, Jaemin toppling into Jeno.

"Idiots," Renjun chuckled.

Jeno looked up at Jaemin, cheeks flushed with the latter mirroring the expression, their lips joint and eyes flown open.

Renjun punched the floor harshly.

"Stop touching them, they're mine, pervert."

The two blonde's pulled back and smiled at the cute boy, still aggressively hitting the floor. Poor floor, they thought.

Renjun stood up, in all his beautiful glory, pulling the two up with him.

"I think, that it's time."

Jaemin looked at him in bewilderment.

Jeno raised an eyebrow.

"Will you, Huang Jaemin and Huang Jeno, be my boyfriends?" he asked, crouching down to one foot and clasping their hands together in a three, pressing kisses on them fondly as he looked up at the two.

Jaemin grinned whilst Jeno blushed madly.

"Well, do we have a choice?" Jaemin asked, looking at the chinese in adoration. Renjun put on a thinking act, although the latter knew that he was just playing around.

"No, not really."

Jeno broke out into a massive smile, getting down to Renjun's level and kissing his forehead.

"Well then, did you have to ask? Either way, yes."

Jaemin then also crouched down to the other two and pecked both of the boys, nodding after.
"Well then, my boyfriends," The youngest began, linking their hands.

"I'm glad you asked."


i'm sorry i'm sorry im sorry go ahead yell at me for the shitty ending i know it sucks ass but i genuinely had no ideas for this ))): i'm not really proud of this book as much as transfer but i'm sorry- i will 100% make a new norenmin book in the future with a better plot i just didn't know what to do with this ):

anyways, in the meantime, enjoy Fame :D thank you for nearly 3k reads on this and 400 votes 💚💚💚

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