16 • we'll take the highway to heaven

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it's lunch rn and i just had a math and english exam one after the other and ngl i think they went pretty well (; biology is next and honestly i'm actually excited 😏 anygays my friends are yelling at me bc i'm ignoring them so gotta go before i get my ass whipped to australia ):


Jeno was confused, angry, upset- you name it. The bond that he and Renjun had was seemingly gone to him, even if it had only been two days. He knew something was up with that Mei bitch or something but how could it when he practically swallowed her in public?

The worst part about it, is that he and Jaemin had grown closer. It was unprecedented- not meant to happen but slowly and gradually it did, whether they approved of it or not. The two naturally flowed well together, and enjoyed one another's company, although something was missing.

They knew that 'thing' was Renjun though.


The called male turned his head in the direction of the sound, raising his eyebrow in response.

Jaemin's eyes darted to the door and back to the boy beside him, as Jeno followed his eyes. In sight was a small boy disappearing behind the double doors of the school corridor to the outdoor gate, and Chenle hastily on his tail.

"What's going on?" Jeno mumbled, more to himself than anyone. Jaemin simply pinched the bridge of his nose, calming himself down.

"He said three days, didn't he? Tomorrow's the last day, just wait."

Jeno nodded, unable to tear his eyes from the doors but a hand on his shoulder forced them

"Hey," Jaemin whispered, caressing his cheek. "It's going to be fine,  Renjun wouldn't just leave you, I can see it myself- He cares about you too much to leave you."

At this, Jeno frowned. "I thought you liked him though? And he liked you?"

Jaemin shrugged. "I don't know, but you've known him for so much longer, I can't just break you two apart."

Jeno sighed and pulled Jaemin's arm, moving him out of the mass crowd in the hallway and to an emptier space.

"Who said you'd break us apart? Honestly, since you came, things for us have just been going up, and I doubt he'd want you to leave."

This immediately lifted the younger's mood and locked eyes with the older.

"What about you?" He asked, quietly.

"What about me?" Jeno asked back, confused.

"If Renjun likes me.. What about you?"

Jeno grinned.
"I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm excited to find out."

For some reason, this made Jaemin's heart plummet, just as it did when Renjun flirted with him.

"So am I."

The two smiled at each other, still an emptiness in their gaze, although they held much more emotion in one another's eyes. That was all that mattered at the moment.


"Okay, so Mei will be here in roughly ten minutes, she asked me to come here for god knows what but are you ready?" Renjun panted, from the running he'd just accomplished.

Chenle exhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, Renjun."

"So remember, literally just flirt with her and stuff, okay?"

This was when Jisung piped up. "But can't she threaten Chenle then?"

Renjun shook his head. "No, the reason she threatened me is because our parents know each other and are close friends. We've also known each other for a while and she can always pull something as her father is the head teacher of the school, but it wouldn't matter because she barely knows you."

The other two nodded in understanding.

"Okay, Jisung remember to trip Mei up and then run out," Renjun clarified, the latter nodding again.

"Oh fuck, I see her, I'll go hide in the cleaner's room, Jisung when you're done come here too."

The obnoxious sound of heels clacking on the floor neared Chenle. He had his blonde hair loosely brushed over to the side, a few of his buttons undone and tucked into his black jeans. As soon as she came into view, Jisung discreetly came from the side and stuck a leg out, quietly running to the cleaner room with Renjun.

"Ah oh my god!" A shrill voice shrieked, tumbling forwards. Chenle ran over and 'saved' her, catching her frame in his arms as if they were finishing a tango dance, but Mei not so elegant.

"Uh-" She flinched and opened her eyes once the feeling of the cold ground didn't come in contact with her skin. Instead, a beauty was holding her from above.

"Are you okay?" Chenle asked, gazing at her, but what she didn't know is that all the gaze held was disgust and cringe.

For a minute she was starstruck, too captured by the ethereal prince holding her. He then brought her back to her feet, holding her waist closely to his own body, and she blushed at the contact.

"Be careful, Mei."

The girl's eyes widened. How did he know her name?

"How do you know my- my name?" she asked, still blushing.

"It's impossible not to know the name of a beautiful girl like you," he continued, caressing her cheek. She nearly fainted on the spot.

"I'll see you around, gorgeous," he flirted, cringing at every word as he ran off to the cleaner room in which his two favourite people were in.

The first thing that he was met with was two large hands holding his waist and slamming his small frame to a wall, soft lips connecting to his eagerly.

"Uh, I'm gonna go, thank you so much Lele," Renjun whispered, exiting before things would escalate. Jisung simple pressed his body harder against Chenle's and slipped his tongue into his mouth, gripping at his small torso. Chenle smiled against their lips, reaching up to tangle his hand in the taller's hair as the younger let out a soft noise of approval, also smiling now.

"Ji," Chenle mumbled against their lips.

Jisung hummed in response, continuing his work.

"I think I love you."

Jisung froze on the spot, and gradually pulled back to find a swollen lipped Chenle, looking hotter at this moment. A wide grin spread out on the younger's face as he clasped the boy's hands excitedly.


"I love you, Park Jisung."

He let out a small squeal, and pecked the boy's lips before chanting, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
Chenle couldn't help the massive smile that graced his face at the response, and pulled Jisung in for another passionate kiss.

It took three words that made them go ecstatic, and hopefully another two in the future.


sorry for the late update, i've been kinda sick lately and i just finished my biology test, hopefully it went well, i love you 💜💜

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