Chapter 4: Night Habits

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Hanji's POV

"Coffee? This late, Hanji?" Mom says to me, observing me pouring a small cup of coffee. 

All I did was chuckle and take a sip. "It's only 6:11 pm, Mom. Besides, it's all for my test tomorrow. Gotta cram in some extra things, okay Mom? All for a good cause."

Mom smiled gently, running her fingers through my hair. "Well, good luck on your test, Hanji. Don't overwork yourself. I know you're intelligent and you'll pass- just go easy on yourself. Promise me that, my love."

"I will, don't worry." I chuckle softly, taking another step with a coffee in one hand and 2 slices of pepperoni pizza in the other. My feet were almost racing to my room. "Wish me luck!"

*   *   *

Levi's POV

Once more, I couldn't sleep on this restless night. My eyes were to wide open and burned if I ever closed my eyes. Outside was quite... chilling. Perfect. The cold lulled me to sleep. So, I just walked around in my school uniform- I don't tend to sleep in PJs. It's much comfortable in normal clothes. 

This empty street... only lights and crickets haunted the place. Lights in the houses were all off, considering it was 3 in the morning. But one house caught my attention. A light upstairs was completely on- and the whole neighborhood was off. Curiously, I wasn't paying attention that I was being impolite- I just did whatever I wanted.

I climbed up the tree and peaked through the window- "Hanji..."

Her head was in a textbook, and she was almost still. I saw her back move a bit as she breathed slightly. I chuckled a bit, climbing closer to her window. It was peaked open a bit... I'm not trespassing if I just opened the door and waited outside the window. At least now... I know where she lives. 

I was almost tempted to walk right in, but I had her trust... and she had mine. She scuffled a bit in her sleep, groaning softly. Eventually, she jerked her hand and knocked over a cup- and coffee fell to the ground, causing her to wake up.

"Gah!" She jumps backwards, falling to the ground with a thud. Before she fell, I winced away, feeling that pain of hers. "Ugh..."

"Hanji, you good?" Immediately, I shut my mouth, seeing fear growing in her eyes. "Sorry..."

"Levi?!" She quickly recovered and ran over to me. "What are you doing here? My parents are gonna catch you- Dad's gonna kill you!"

"I think they'll kill you first for making so much noise." I then pointed to the clock on her wall. "Look at the time. Keep making those noises and then we'll get in trouble, Hanji."

That noise of realizing made me chuckle softly. "What are you doing up this late?" She asks me, almost tugging me inside the house. 

"You first."

"I was studying for a test tomorrow- I mean... in about 4 hours. What about you?"

"Couldn't sleep. I just saw you here and didn't want to startle you... kinda late for that, isn't it?"

She chuckles softly, begging me to come in. "Well, since you're here and we both need some sleep, want to stay over until it's time for school? Unless, you need to be home."

I shook my head, "Naw, my uncle doesn't care at all. Don't your parents care if a boy like me stays over in your room for tonight? Rings a bit of some... bad bells."

Once more, she chuckles loudly once I stepped into her room- how did I do that? I was trying to resist her, but I didn't. "It's fine, really. I walk to school- and they work pretty early in the morning. No need to worry, Levi. I got some extra blankets and pillows for you."


"It's fine, Levi." She says, rummaging through her closet. "I don't mind it at all. We're friends, isn't that right?"

I nodded, sighing gently. Once more, I was listening to her words and being dragged down into this black hole of hers. Within minutes, she already set up a temporary bed next to hers- and she climbed into her bed. I watched how quickly she fell asleep; not even a minute. She left her light of hers on, so I went over and turned it off. From the half moon's light, I smiled gently, brushed her hair out of her face, and took her glasses off her face. Her soft breathing resumed, and I fell asleep next to her again.

We've been sleeping like that lately- in the courtyard, the hidden world, and in her bed. She was... irresistible.

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