I look down to see nothing happening. Why am I not healing? The Oni comes back, but Derek picks me up from the ground as the sword clangs on the ground where I was just laying. An arrow flies past mine and Derek's head and buries itself in the Oni. The same bright light shines from the Oni's chest. 

        Derek and I look behind us to see Mr. Argent on top of the stairs with a crossbow in hand. Isaac flips through the air, landing on the ground a few feet behind us. I turn back to the Oni to see it explode in black smoke. 

        "What was that?" I ask with one hand pressed to my shoulder.

        Derek's arm wraps around my waist to support me. 

        "Silver." Mr. Argent answers, lowering the crossbow. 

        "Isaac, the box." Derek motions to the box that is still on the ground. "Get the triskele box to Scott." 

        Isaac takes off running towards the box and snatches it up. I watch him run away, hopefully in the direction that Scott is in. I whimper at the pain from my wound. Derek pulls me tighter to his chest. One of the other Oni heads towards the two of us. Derek once again pushes me away from the danger. He grabs the Oni's arm and forces it behind its back. Mr. Argent shoots another arrow. Derek holds the Oni still. The arrow flies directly into the Oni's chest. 

        Wincing at the pain in my arm, I run towards the other Oni. We need to kill all of them. Aiden is still fighting against it. I bite my lip to hold back a scream as I shove Aiden out of the way. I hear the arrow soar through the air. I grab the Oni, except it dodges the arrow by slicing it in halfway with its' sword. 

        "Get the arrow!" Mr. Argent yells down at us. "It's the last one."

        Aiden and I look down at the arrow. I snatch the arrow up from the ground first, barely missing the sword that is aimed for my head. I toss the arrow to Aiden, hoping to keep the Oni distracted enough for Aiden to stab it in the chest. Aiden ducks underneath the sword that flies over both of our heads. He jumps up and slams the arrow in the Oni's chest. 

        Once the Oni vanishes, I see the Oni's sword sticking out of Aiden's chest. 

        "No." I whisper, closing the distance between the two of us. "Aiden, no. Please don't." Tears fill my eyes as I grab his face, forcing him to look at me. 

        Blood spurts out of his mouth and down my arm. One of his hands grab my hand as the other grabs the sword. He pulls the sword out, letting it fall to the ground by our feet. 

        "Aiden!" Ethan yells. 

        "Aiden?" I cry. I catch him as his legs give out. We tumble to the ground. "N-No, Aiden, no. I-I can't l-lose you, t-too."

        "It's o-okay." Aiden leans up against me. His face scrunches up as he cries. "I'm okay. Y-You'll be okay."

        Derek lowers himself to the ground with a hand on my back. 

        I shake my head, grabbing his hand in mine. "N-No...Please, A-Aiden, d-d-don't leave m-me."

        Ethan falls down to his knees on the other side of him. 

        "Does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?" Aiden asks his brother. 

        Ethan rubs his back. "Yeah." 

        They both cry harder. I rest my forehead against the side of Aiden's head. Both of my hands squeeze his and he squeezes back. That should have been me. I should have held on to the arrow and killed the Oni. Aiden would still be alive. 

Playing the Vixen 》Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now