"I never said she hides her identity, it was just a probability" Ya Muhsin said as he glanced at Umma with a stoic face.

Samhah who had been staring at her phone since we started eating breakfast looked up for the first time, "Only her close family members knows what she looks like unlike her brother" she said.

"She has a brother?" I asked because I never heard a thing about him. Ya Muhsin raised a brow questionably about my sudden interest in knowing about the brother. I shrugged and smiled sheepishly knowing that he might've thought I was interested in the brother.

"Oh yes she has a brother, an egoistic one for that matter. He thinks he's above everyone, he's bossy and arrogant. So to him, everyone has to do what he wants which is so stupid" Samhah pursed her lips forward, her eyes slightly narrowed as if remembering something that pissed her off. "I can't believe I actually thought deep down he is altruistic" She muttered.

Adda Anee watched her closely, "You seem to know much about him"

Samhah's eyes widen at this, "Yeah....well...umm...that's what everyone says about him" she said stammering and chuckled nervously afterwards.

"Ok....." I drawled as I made eye contact with Adda Anee who gave me a knowing look. There's more to this story than she's letting out.

"Let's hope that's just it" Prince Aamir said for the first time. He was been more quiet than usual and hasn't said a word to me since the day of the anniversary. I haven't been seeing much of him except during breakfast and dinner, since we eat together but other than that, it's like he doesn't exist at all.

"Yes yaya" Samhah said as she looked down fiddling with the ring on her finger. I noticed the small letter 'S' encrusted on the heart shaped ring adorned with what seem to be like small aquamarines. It is beautiful.

"The ring is beautiful" I whispered as I leaned closer to her.

She looked up and the frown on her face turned into a small smile, "Thank you, someone gave it to me" she whispered back which made me chuckle. This made everyone look at us.

"We'll talk later" I whispered again not minding to hide the smile that made its way on my face. I knew there was more to the story than what she said.

Like I said before, she's so much like Adda Anee.

And just like that, the topic about Layla Waziri was long forgotten.


December 12, 2018

Kano, Nigeria

"Haba Ummi please let me go with you" Daihaah pleaded her mother who is zipping her box.

"Dijeh I've already said no. I'm just visiting your grandmother because she is sick. Muhsin is coming to see you tomorrow before the wedding so you need to stay here" Ummi said trying to reason with her stubborn daughter.

"But Ya Muhsin will understand, he can come next week just pretty please let me go with you. Besides I'll be all alone here" Daihaah kept on whining to the extent that she dragged her mother's box and held it close to her all so Ummi would let her travel along.

Ummi finally stopped what she is doing only to glare at Daihaah, "I had already said no, and that's final" she said taking her box back from Daihaah, "And besides, that's why I asked you to stay in Aneesah's house since she's in town"

"But Ummi---"

"No more buts Dijeh!" Ummi said strictly making Daihaah groan

"Fine" Daihaah pouted. She got off the bed and walked out her mother's room closing the door shut, before she stomped to her room sulking.

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