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As soon as I arrived at the hospital, my dad and Nat were by my side.
"What happened?" Dad asked.
"I kinda fainted in gym class...?" I cringed as he held my hand and the doctors did all their different tests.
"There's something we need to try before you can go home, ok, sweetie?" The nurse asked as I nodded and she handed me a cup and pointed me to the bathroom. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and shut the door as she waited outside until I was done and I gave her my now filled cup.
Soon after the doctor came in hesitantly.
"So, do you know what happened?" Nat asked.
"Yes... sweetheart... you're pregnant." He said slowly as I busted up laughing.
"You're kidding, right?" I laughed.
"No, I'm not. When the stick turns pink, that means you're pregnant." He said as he dipped the stick in the pee and it came out a bright pink.
"Who?" Dad asked me.
"Dad, seriously? I'm a virgin. I've never had sex!" I exclaim as tears prick my eyes.
"Sorry dear, but you are pregnant." He said as I start crying.
"It's going to be ok, sweetheart." Dad trys to sooth me as Nat whips out her phone and calls someone.
"Can I go home now?" I asked asthe doctor nodded and we got in the car.
"We'll be right there." Nat said as she told dad to drive to gynecologist office.


"Steve, you can wait here." Nat said as dad nodded and we walked into the room.
"I was here that whole day, and you never showed up." My gynecologist said as my jaw dropped.
"Then who the hell was that!?" I exclaimed as Nat's eyes widened at my language.
"I don't know." The woman said as the other woman came back with who's sperm it was.
"His name is Peter Parker, he sold it to us about 4 years ago to pay off his aunt's medical bills." The woman said as I just about died.
"I'm carrying my best friend's baby?" I whispered as she nodded. "I want to go home." I said as Nat nodded and we walked out.
"So-." Dad started.
"I don't know what to say, nor do I really want to say anything yet, can we just go home?" I asked as my phone rang.
"Parker?" I sniffled.
"What's wrong?" He asked quickly.
"I'm-" I started as a sob racked my body and dad picked me up and carried me to the car.
"You're- oh, can you give me just a second?" He asked forgetting that he had me on speaker phone. "Mr. Stark? Can you give me just one moment? I'm on the phone with-"
"Kid, I just got a call from womans health about you... who the hell did you get pregnant?" Tony asked.
"Pregnant? No one! Why?" He asked.
"Because a girl just got a test back saying that you're the father." Tony exclaimed.
"Why did they call you?" He asked.
"I don't know! Don't dodge the question!" Tony snapped.
"Parker." I said. "Parker." I repeated louder. "Parker!" I exclaimed as the other end went silent.
"What? Are you ok? I'm so sorry." He said.
"I'm pregnant." I choked as the other end went silent again. "Parker?" I cried.
"Y-you are?" He stuttered as dad stopped the car and he and Nat got out to give me some privacy.
"Y-yeah... it's yours." I choked as I wiped my eyes.
"It is?" He whispered.
"Yeah... it is... Parker, I'm scared." I cried.
"D-don't be, it'll be ok... I won't leave. I promise." He said softly.
"Parker?" I sniffled.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"I'm at home." I replied.
"I'm coming over, ok?" He said.
"Ok." I smiled softly before we hung up and I walked inside.
"Daddy?" I asked as he looked over at my puffy red face.
"It's not your fault, princess, ok? You're not in trouble, don't worry." He enveloped me in a hug as I sobbed into his chest.
"What if I'm like her?" I cried.
"You won't be." He smoothed my hair back.
"We'll find that woman, ok?" Nat growled as dad kissed my forehead.
"Ok, just so you know, Peter's coming over... please don't kill him." I sniffled as dad pulled back.
"If he hurts you, I won't keep that promise, ok?" Dad said as I laughed.
"Thank you, daddy." I snuggled into his chest before we let go and I went upstairs to wash up and change out of my and into something more comfortable.

" I snuggled into his chest before we let go and I went upstairs to wash up and change out of my and into something more comfortable

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"Sara, Peter's here!" Nat called up the stairs and I opened my door and walked down to see him standing.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" Peter asked as I looked at my dad and he nodded.
"Keep her safe." Dad said as Peter nodded and we walked out.
"I don't really know where to start." Peter started.
"We should probably start with if we want to keep it or not... I mean I do, but I just want your opinion too." I said.
"We're not getting rid of it." He stated as I nodded.
"Ok, now... uh, maybe start on names?" I asked.
"We don't even know the gender yet." He laughed.
"I know, but just make a list of boy and girl names, just to get the ball rolling with that." I shrugged.
"Ok. Also, who do we want to tell?" Peter asked.
"Well, probably the rest of the Avengers, like Scarlett Witch, Thor, Spiderman." I listed.
"Can we tell Ned?" He asked.
"Of course, Ned and MJ." I nodded.
"Hey, can I show you something when we get back to your place?" Peter asked.
"Ok... like what?" I smiled.
"It's a surprise." He grinned.
"I need one more answer and it's going to be hard to ask. Keep in mind that I never want to ruin our friendship, and if it does go that way, I'm so sorry." Peter cringed as we stopped walking.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Sara, I've been head over heels for you ever since we met and-!" Peter started to ramble before I cut him off with a short kiss on his lips. Can I just say, Damn! Fireworks everywhere!
"What?" He asked.
"I've liked you too, Peter." I smiled as a grin lit up his face and he pulled me into another kiss. I rested my hands on his chest as he held me at my waist and I snaked one of my hands up his chest to rest on his cheek and his hand ran up my back to hold my head in place before we broke apart for air.
"Woah." Peter breathed out.
"Agreed." I smiled as we linked hands and walked back to my place.
As soon as we got back, I kissed his cheek after we said Goodnight and I walked inside.
"I saw that." Nat said as dad snored on the couch.
"Saw what?" I asked innocently not being able to keep the grin off my face.
"Mmhm, time for bed." She said as I let the grin out and walked upstairs to my room.

You forgot to show me

Oh? Did I?🤔

Yes, you did😕

Look who's at your window🕷

Omg! Is there a spider?!

Open your window, don't worry, he won't bite... much🤪

I turn off my phone and cautiously look at my window and grab a hanger from my closet and slowly open the curtain to see a spider themed superhero.
"Spiderman?" I asked as I quickly unlocked the window and let him in and out of the early autumn chill of the night.
"Hello, Sara, is it?" He asked as he crawled in.
"Maybe..." I said realizing this wasn't the safest thing to do.
"Sara, this is what I wanted to show you." He said as I slowly crept over to him as he hung upside down from my ceiling.
"Parker?" I asked.
"The one and only." He said as a little outline of a grin appeared beneath the mask.
"May I-?" I asked motioning to his mask.
"Always." He said as I moved my hands to his head and slowly moved them to the lower part of his neck and looped my fingers around the hem of his mask and stopped. He nodded sensing my nerves before I slowly pulled it down past his perfectly sculpted chin and sharp jawline. I knew once I saw his eyes, I'd know his true identity. I continued my slow pull, as he just watched me slowly peel off his mask all the way just before his eyes.
"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.
"I trust you with my baby, and my life, how can I not trust you with my identity?" He chuckled as I finished pulling off his head and placed it on my desk as we locked eyes.
"Parker." I breathed out as he held the web with his feet and gently placed his hands on my face, before he almost slipped and grabbed the web with his hands. I giggled lightly as I placed my hands on both sides of his face and kissed him.
"Princess? Are you home?" Dad asked as he walked up the stairs. My eyes widened as Peter flipped down and gave me a quick kiss and leaped out my window just as my dad opened my door.
"Yeah, dad, I'm here." I chuckled lightly shaking my head before dad kissed my head and said Goodnight before leaving.
"Is he gone?" Peter asked as I covered my laugh with my hand.
"Yeah, he's gone." I shook my head at him.
"I had to say Goodnight first." He said crawling back into my room.
"Goodnight, Parker." I said as he pulled me into a gentle kiss.
"Goodnight Sara." He said before kneeling down and kissing my stomach. "Goodnight, little one." He whispered before he gave me one last kiss and webbed out the window.
"Goodnight Parker." I smiled before I got into bed and fell asleep, not particularly ready for school tomorrow.

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