Repairs and the Truth

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Annabeth sat with her mother and Percy. She was looking over papers in front of her, sketching plans for the castle.

Percy looked over at her, a worried look on his face.

"I think you're working too much,"

"I have to work, school can't go on without the building repaired." She muttered. 

Her blonde hair fell over her eyes, a dim look adding to the even stormer color.

"I'm gonna go for a walk," Percy sighed, finally unable to sit any longer.

All he recieved was a grumble from Annabeth and a Chuckle from her mother.

He walked along, observing the castle, until he walked by some large doors he swore he hadn't seen before.

Knocking, he got no response, but the doors opened, letting him into a cluttered room. He heard arguing.

"I know Draco, but if I tell how do you think people will react?"

"How do you think they'll react Potter? My parents would throw a fit! But at least we wouldn't have to keep sneaking around..."

Percy leaned closer, yet sent an old telescope falling to the ground. Both wizards jumped, and looked.

Draco muttered something to Harry, and raced out of the room.

"Hey mate," Harry began awkwardly.

"Uh... hi?" Percy mumbled.

"Please don't-"

"Not my secret to tell." Percy said firmly.

Harry nodded.

"Well, shall we go?"


The two walked in an uncomfortable silence all the way to the lake.

Percy took a step in, ignoring his clothes.

"I'd be careful, there's a giant squid and merpeople and-"

"I'm the son of Poseidon," Percy chuckled. "We have an understanding."

Harry watched carefully as Percy fully submerged himself, completely out of view.

Suddenly, his head popped up.

"You know there's a ghost in the lake, right?"

"That's Moaning Myrtle. She died after looking into the eyes of a basilisk."

"Ugh, I hate them."

"You have those?" Harry asked suprised, as Percy shook water droplets off his hair.

"Yeah, nasty little things that spit acid."

Harry looked at him strangely.

"That's not ours, we've got huge ones that kill you if you make eye contact, "

"Huh," was all Percy said.

Draco was still running when he ran into Annabeth.

They both fell, all of Annabeth's books flying to the ground.

"I'm sorry, " Draco muttered.

"What's the rush?" She asked softly.

"I..." he stuttered.

Annabeth grabbed his arm and led him into a room, Hazel and Leo were there, sitting by the fire discussing Sammy.

"What's wrong?" The other two looked over, and joined them.

"Well, I- nevermind."

"You can tell us dude, we don't snitch," Leo said, surprisingly calm.

"HarryandIhavebeenseeingeachotherbuthedoentwantrotellanyone." He blurted.

The demigods exchanged a look.

"What?" Hazel prompted gently.

Draco took in a deep breath and whispered,

"Harry and I have been seeing eachother but he doesn't want anyone to know."

"Why do you want people to know?" Leo asked.

"I- I don't know. Maybe just because I want to make it official with him?" He mumbled.

"Well you shouldn't do something you're both not comfortable with." Hazel said.

"Maybe just start by making it official between eachother?" Annabeth suggested.

"But why were you running?" A voice piped up, and they all say George walk into the room.

"Well, Percy saw us arguing and I got scared..."

"Why?" Leo asked.

"I just feel like maybe relationships like us, two men, aren't normal."

"They aren't, in our world Malfoy, but to the gods it is." George assured.

"How do you know?" Hazel asked, looking at him curiously.

George merely blushed and shook his head.

"Hey guys, let's go, it's dinner time!" Ron had poked his head in.

The five friends stood up, and made their way to join the others.

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