Years Ago

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Minerva sat there, listening to her students argue. Two Gryffindors were arguing with a Slytherin and another Gryffindor.

"Mr Potter! Mr Black! If you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to teach!" She said, her voice ringing out sharply.

"I don't mind at all Professor." Sirius Black said, his voice steady, a mischievous grin on his face.

"I mind." Muttered the third Gryffindor.

"Miss Evans if you'd take your seat as well." She turned, her eyes narrowed. "And you Mr Snape."

Sighing, her students all complied, glaring at her as she continued her lessons.

Suddenly, a voice chimed out,

"Professor, did you get new robes?"

The class turned and laughed, as Remus Lupin shook his head. Peter Pettigrew sat there, a grin on his stubby face.

Minerva sighed,

"You're all dismissed, please leave."

The students listened, as Peter left the other three stayed behind.

"Is there something wrong?" She questioned, looking up.

"No, I was just wondering why you work here if you're a goddess?" James said smoothly.

"Mr Potter I can assure you that I am not a-"

"But you are. We know that much, we just dont know why you work here." Sirius interjected.

Minerva looked at Remus, who even looked curious. She let out a soft sigh, then beckoned for them to sit. They obeyed.

"I work here simply because I don't want to do anything else. I can pass my powers off as being a witch."

"Does anybody else know?" Remus questioned, his head tilted to one side.

"Professor Dumbledore knows. And one other person in this world."

"Who?" They all leaned closer, morbidly curious.

"That's not important. What is important is that you don't tell anyone. I'll allow you three to know on the sole promise that you keep it between yourselves." She studied them, looking for discontent but found none.

"Alright," Sirius shrugged.

"It's reasonable," James agreed.

Minerva didn't even need to look at Remus, she knew he could keep secrets.

"Alright, then please, go." She dismissed them.

They nodded and left, bumping into Peter as they exited.

"Whag was that about?" He asked.

The three shared a look.

"Nothing," Remus said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive," James confirmed.

"C'mon mate, let's go get lunch." Sirius said, throwing his arm around his friends shoulders.

Peter looked at them all, before nodding and following them.

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