Chapter 12:

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Why did she just text me? I ask myself aloud.
~text messages~
Madisson: hi Lizzy
Me: um how did you get my number?
Madisson: I took Harry's phone and got it
Me: why are you texting me... I thought you hated me.
Madisson: no I don't hate you harry made me be mean and that whole back story with Niall and zayn is fake harry made me do it, will you ever forgive me?
Me: why did harry do that?
Madisson: honestly I don't know. He's kinda messed up upstairs.
Me: oh okay well how do I know I can trust you
Madisson: because i am sneaking this text message to you and I'm trying to warn you about....
Me: Madisson? What happened? Are you still here??
Madisson: gtg harry is coming!
Me: okay good luck!
~end text messages.~
I need to help her!
It tried to get up but I was so tired I fell back asleep.
The next morning I woke up and I turn on the news and caroline was on the news.
It said dead: caroline jays.
Was killed late last night by Harry styles. If you see harry then please let us know.
She died?! Harry is officially dangerous! I need to save maddy!

My brothers best friend harry stylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang