Chapter 11:

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As me and Louis walked down the street looking for caroline I look at him, he has brown hair, brown eyes and tattoos. Then he looks at me and I realize I was staring at him and I started to blush, luckily it was dark so he didn't see.
Then I hear the bushes rumbling.
And there she is! Caroline!
"Get her!" I scream.
Louis runs as fast as he can and tackles her.
I walk over and snatch my diary.
They get up but Louis is still holding her.
"why did you take this?" I say.
"Haha, you thought I was your friend, um no you are weird and you should not have any friends, I work for Harry and I'm getting paid good money for that stupid thing so hand it over now!" She yells.
"No!!!" I say frustrated.
"So what do I do with her?" Louis looks confused.
"Just let go of her and let's go."
Louis let's her go and she runs the other way.
"Why is Harry doing all this to me? What does he want?" I say holding back my tears.
"I don't know, he's in my band, I'll go ask him tomorrow." He says sincerely.
"Okay, thanks." I say getting happier.
We're walking up the drive way when we see Liam and Niall walking out the door.
"Where are y'all going?" I ask.
"Oh there y'all are, you have been gone for an hour." Niall says.
"Oh oops." Louis says.
"So what happened?"
"I got it back, but she works for Harry." I say getting mad again.
"Ok that's it. We need to know whats wrong with Harry, and we are all finding it out tomorrow." Niall says.
"Okay." I say thankfully.
We all go back in and Louis and Liam go home and Niall goes in his room, and I go in mine, and that's when my phone goes off, it's her.

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