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Emma stared at the ceiling as she laid next to Tommy. He was fast asleep. But unlike him, she couldn't fall asleep. Guilt was eating her up. She was keeping five years of her life a secret from the people she loved the most. But what made her more guilty was who she had left behind after escaping.

He didn't remember her anymore, as far as she knew, but she still remembered him clearly. She remembered every moment she had with him. Every touch, every fleeting glance, every kiss, every declaration of love. Sure Tommy has been with other people, so it didn't really matter if she had been with others. But at least he had been truthful about being with other women. Emma couldn't admit she had been with another man in her five years with the Red Room and Hydra. In order to admit being with someone would mean revealing her years as an assassin.

As she laid there, naked in Tommy Merlyn's bed after five years, guilt filled her thoughts. Guilt for not telling Tommy about her lover. Guilt for leaving Winter behind and escaping. Guilt for keeping secrets.


"Winter," The dark haired heiress called out.

"Ghost," the Winter Soldier said making his way over to her. The two were on a mission that had required for them to go undercover. Well as undercover as they could be. The Winter Soldier's metal arm made it hard for him to blend in sometimes. "Did you find something?" He asked staring at the papers that surrounded Ghost.

"I did. He leaves work at 6pm and takes the backroads to get home. No cameras," she stated.

"Perfect," the Winter Soldier said. "We'll finish the job tomorrow," he said glancing at the time to see it was 8pm.

"What shall we do until then?" Ghost asked with a grin that she saved for whenever the two were alone, away from the eyes of Hydra.

"I think we can find some way to entertain ourselves," Winter stated. He leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss. Ghost wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She loved moments like this. It was at times like this that she felt something. Winter was the only one in their twisted lives that made her feel something other than pain or sadness.

"Bed?" She suggested against his lips. Without replying, Winter picked her up and began walking towards the bed.


When Tommy woke up the next morning, he was surprised to see Emma already awake. "Good morning," he said placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"Good morning," Emma said smiling at him.

"When'd you wake up?" Tommy asked.

"Only a couple of minutes ago," Emma lied. "We should probably get out of bed. Everyone is probably wondering where I am," she said turning on her side to face him.

"Let them wonder for a bit longer. I don't want this moment to end," Tommy stated before kissing her. He had missed her more than anyone ever realized.

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