It's Time

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"Emma, Fury would like to talk to you about going back to your family." Natasha said walking into the room they had given Emma. She nodded before getting up and following Natasha out to where Fury was waiting. By habit, her eyes scanning for possible exits.

"It's great to see you up and walking, Ms. Queen." A dark skinned man in a long black trench coat and eyepatch said. Emma looked at him wearily, not recognizing him "Right, I'm Nick Fury, director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Logistics Division."

"S.H.I.E.L.D." Emma stated. "The leaders of the red room would mention it every once in a while."

"Well we have concocted a plan that allows for you to go home and for no one to raise many questions. Saving you from the trouble of having to reveal what happened the past five years." Fury told her as she sat down in a chair.

"We will leave you on an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean. You're clothes and everything will be tattered and muddy to show that you've been there for awhile. Then one of our teams will find you when returning from a mission due to the signal fire you had set." Natasha explained.

"Then, I'm free to go?" Emma asked.

"You are. Though we will give you a secure line if you wish to remain in contact with us after you return home." Natasha said with a smile.

"I would. Thank you." Emma said truly thankful. Her horrors were finally ending, she could be with her family again.


What did I tell you? Yachts suck." A man said walking into Oliver's room with a chuckle.

"Tommy Merlyn." Oliver said hugging him. He missed his best friend.

"I missed you, buddy." Tommy said. Though he seemed visibly fine, on the inside he was dying to know whether his Emma was fine or not. But for now, he had to be grateful that Oliver was back.

The Queen family and Tommy were seated in the dining room eating dinner. "Ok. What else did you miss?" Tommy said to himself. "Super bowl winners... Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and "Lost," they were all dead...I think." He said trying to sum up what Oliver missed in the past few years.

"What was it like there?" Thea asked suddenly as everyone went quiet and tension filled the room. Before Oliver could answer, Raisa came running in holding the house phone.

"Mrs. Queen, they found someone they presume to be Ms. Queen." Raisa said handing the phone to Moira. Everyone at the table sat there shocked looking at Moira for answers.

"Yes, this is Moira Queen." She said into the phone. "Emma, she had a birthmark on her back, it's shaped like a crown." Moira said to doctor that was responsible for identifying her.

"It's there." The doctor said as Moira broke out into tears of joy.

"When can we see her?" She asked.

"We are currently boarding a private jet to bring us to Starling City. We should land in about ten hours. Congratulations on getting your daughter back, Mrs. Queen." The doctor said. "We'll stay in touch." He said before hanging up.

"Mom, what happened?" Thea asked hoping for the best.

"A group of scientists found Emma on an uncharted island near the Philippines." Moira said. "They're bringing her back to Starling." The table broke out into cheers of joy.

"When can we see her?" Tommy asked as Oliver raised an eyebrow at his eagerness to see her. Thea on the other hand, knew exactly why Tommy wanted to see Emma.

"The jet lands in ten hours, so tomorrow morning we'll go to Starling General." Moira explained with a smile. She has all her children.


Emma Queen sat on the sofa curled up with a blanket covering her. She mindlessly stared in front of her. The doctor that had treated Oliver earlier, walked out of her room closing the door behind him.

"How is she?" Moira asked as the Queen family and Tommy stood behind her.

"Physically, she's fine. Emma has a few fractured bones that seem to have been set at the time of the fracture. A few scars here and there." The doctor explained.

"And mentally?" Moira asked.

"She won't talk. According to the doctors that found her, she was suffering from horrible nightmares the entire way back. Yelling and screaming for someone to help her." The doctor said with a sigh. "The Emma that boarded the Queen's Gambit, isn't the same Emma that was found." He told them before allowing for them to enter the room. "I'd recommend if Oliver went first. They suffered the same thing, it'll be easier for Emma."

Oliver nodded, going to open the room door. It caught Emma's attention and in a second she was up and running to his waiting arms. "Ollie." She cried out in joy.

"Em." Oliver said wrapping his arms around her tightly. "I knew that you were still alive." He said.

"Where are mom and Thea and Tommy?" She asked. Once again Oliver wondered what happened between Emma and Tommy before the accident.

"They're outside. I can bring them in if you want." Oliver said. Emma nodded as Oliver walked over to the door to let the others in. Moira and Thea instantly pulled Emma into a hug.

"Oh my darling daughter. You still look as beautiful as ever." Moira said crying.

"I knew that you didn't die." Thea let out also looking like she was on the verge of tears.

"I missed you guys so much." Emma said. "Everyday I thought about how I had to survive it all and get back to you guys." She told them, finally letting go. Tommy gave Emma a smile as he walked over to her and hugged her tightly. She was safe and sound.

"God I missed you queenie." Tommy whispered into her ear.

"I missed you too, Merlyn." Emma told him. "I don't know about you guys, but I am dying for a cheeseburger." She said making everyone laugh.

"We'll get you a cheeseburger on the way home." Moira reassured her daughter with a smile.

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