Chapter Forty-Eight: Bottle it up

Start from the beginning

"You okay love?" Beckett said and moved his right hand to hold my left.

I nodded and held his hand brushing my thumb over his knuckles. I had been taking care of my tattoo like how I was told. It was not really all that gross like I expected it to be. I guess I knew too many other people so I in a way knew what I was doing.

Once we rolled into town I gave Beckett instructions not to go to my house but to go to Rian's. He pulled into the drive. I sent Rian a text before seeing him come outside and wave. He let us pass the gate and I went and hugged him. Zack was sitting on the floor of his living room.

'wait I got your stuff.' I signed at him leaving him confused.

Zack got up and I ran to Beckett's car popping open the trunk and getting our what I had rolled in extra t-shirts. I handed the bottles over to Zack and he smiled at me.

"How did you get your hands on alcohol?" Rian asked being more of a parent than my own parents.

"Don't worry about it." I croaked out making both Zack and Rian look up at me shocked.

"Woah when did this start?" Zack said and looked back behind me at Beckett who wrapped his arms around my waist and was resting his chin on my head.

"Somewhere between screaming in pleasure and trying to say my name. It's like having a baby again." Beckett cooed as I jabbed his side with my elbow.

"ow, okay I deserved that one." He said and held his side.

I danced around excitedly remember my tattoo. I took out my phone and called Alex on facetime.

"Whatcha needing kiddo?" Alex asked and I smiled at him telling him one second before adding Jack.

"Ello Loggy!" Jack screamed. I sat my phone down and showed the other two boys their band members.

"Okay, this is odd," Alex said

I began to lift up my shirt.

"Nope, not getting arrested," Zack said and tried to get up.

Jack was the first to notice the tattoo, however.

"Fucking Jesus Christ! Logan did it! Loggy you did it!" Jack screamed in through the phone jumping up and down excitedly.

Zack and Rian then inspected the tattoo a little closer. Alex sat silent and I frowned at him. I figured out of everyone Alex would be the most excited for me and want to know more about it. Alex kind of just sat there. I knew he wasn't froze because he kept blinking and looking up at what I presumed was his tv.

"A-Alex!" I said in a high tone than what I spoke a few seconds ago.

"Woah big fuck," Jack said before releasing I was the only one who could have said it.

"Wait did you just speak?" He said and looked at me giving me his famous Jack smile.

I nodded my head as Alex breathed out a little laugh.

"Why you pick us kid and not Tyler and Josh?" Alex asked as left my phone on Rian's counter.

I kind of shrugged. I never thought my first words outside of a small group of people would be Tyler and Josh. Ryleigh had heard me say things previously in my life but It was different now. I went and sat on Beckett's lap causing them to all groan in response. Part of me wanted to really make the boys wonder about what this trip was really about. I looked at Beckett and put my hand on his face before kissing him. What started out as a few short kisses became a make-out session. Jack, on one hand, was the only one cheering for us to continue while Rian picked me up off Beckett and sat me in a different chair beside Zack. Zack and I, on the other hand, had become good friends as of recently because of Ryleigh. I mean I had become better friends with All Time Low because of Ryleigh.

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