Chapter 5

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I scream. Like a really girly scream too because what I see is none other than the massive head of a golden wolf.

I scramble farther under the couch and make sure that thing can't touch me.

I see it shift like shift and suddenly all I see is a guys balls.

I am really confused, so confused right now, "Wtf??? Um what? What???"

I see Jake and he starts crawling under the couch towards me. I blink and then crawl quickly out from under the couch and sprint out the door as fast as I've ever ran before.

I feel someone tackle me from behind. I roll around and shake him off as quickly as I can. I back away from him.

"Get the fuck away from me wolf," I snarl at him coldly.

"Look, I'm sorry but I had to show you. Your my mate you deserve an explanation," he slowly starts walking towards me.

I retreat back quickly, "Touch me and find out what happens, and I don't know what the fuck your talking about. But I also knows I don't care. At all. Other than the fact that I hate you and nothing will change that!"

He looks so sad at those words and it hits me like a semi head on I collapse on the ground and see him rush at me and start hugging me.

I have no idea what my body is doing but it won't let me get him off of me! I struggle for control for a couple is seconds before fighting it off and quickly jumping out of his to loving embrace.

"Did I not make myself clear. At this point I'm tired if even saying how many times I've said it. Don't. Touch. Me," I walk onto my porch and slam my door shut.

I turn around to see him a again.

"What do you not get?! I mean seriously!!!" I yell at him.

"I love you, I can't leave you!" He whines.

I start shaking. I see black spots start appearing in my vision.

That's when I pass out.

I wake up to a really comfy bed.


Comfy? My bed isn't comfy!

I quickly open my eyes to see a darkly lit room and then I feel a warm body beside me.

~Jake's POV~

He makes me feel amazing laying beside me. Relaxed against my stomach.

I could stay here forever.

I feel him open his eyes and stiffen up a few seconds later.

He jumps up.

He looks at me and looks so frustrated and annoyed but so tired at the same time he doesn't even say anything he just stays there staring at me for a second before laying back down.

His breath deepens after a couple of seconds.

I snuggle up to him pressing my member up against his accidently as I bring him closer to me.

I don't mind because it feels like pure joy to me but I resist and just lay my head on top of his.

I wake up later that morning and feel him sliding his arms around me.

I stick my head in his shoulder and breathe in his scent.

He smells really good and after I do that he stirs a bit more and rolls on top of me.

I moan as he unconsciously straddles me.

I shift him off me so the its easier to not want to fuck him although that feeling never really completely goes away.

He suddenly opens his eyes.

"Where are we?" He rolls around latching onto me.

"At my house," I hug him to my chest.

He shivers as I snuggle up to him but doesn't push me away.

"Are you not mad any more?" I ask confused.

"Oh I'm still a little mad, just not really mad, just as long as you give me a bit of space after this," he says.

I nods my head and hug him tightly.

He returns the hug and gets up, "I have to go to work."

"Aw but why?" I whine pathetically.

"Because I have to make money some how!" He laughs at me.

"Well I guess," I say as I give in.

"Is there somewhere I can take a shower?" He asks.

"Yeah, the door right there," I point to the door at the very end of my bedroom.

"Thanks," he says.

A few minutes later he comes storming out and throws on his clothes.

"What's wrong?!" I ask worried for him.

"My mom, tried to kill herself just now," he says sadly.

"Are yo-" I start to say.

"I'm fine," he interrupts.

"I gotta go," he says and slams the door shut.

3 weeks later

Chase's POV

I hear a whine at my door.

I ignore it, it's Isaiah I can tell.

He scratches at the door.

I ignore it. I haven't talked to him since right before my mom died.

I hear the door crack down.

I see a wild eyed golden wolf bound into the room.


So yeah, I couldn't leave you hanging so I made an extra long chapter. Hope you like it. Please vote! Also I will try to start making longer chapters, ok! Yay! Another chapter down! Have a good night!


P.s I plan on updating another chapter Saturday-Monday, sometime around that, its going to be a really long chapter so it will take me a bit longer than normal.

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